Monday, May 5, 2014

Never too late to improve functional fitness

I just finished a FallProof™ balance training class at Pioneer Towers in downtown Sacramento.  The small group of ladies were excited about improving their balance and they did just that!  Every single person improved on the three Senior Fitness Tests associated with fall risk.  And I mean they improved! 

As part of my classes, I offer pre- and post-assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of the balance training classes I teach.   I know the program works but I am continually collecting data in case Dr. Rose wants it for her FallProof™ program.  Anyhow, I assess lower body strength, lower body flexibility and dynamic balance and agility or moving balance skills before and after attending the 8 sessions.

This class of 8 older women improved dramatically.  My most improved student was 94 year-old, Eve.  Yes, I said 94!  She increased her lower body strength score by 4, improved her lower body flexibility 3.5 inches and was 2.3 seconds faster and much steadier in her moving balance.  Remarkable!  I am so proud of her!

She can now touch her toes, her legs are stronger and she is more stable when getting up and moving quickly.  This collective data demonstrates that the program works when you work it.  Eve and another student worked the exercises into their daily routine by meeting everyday at 4pm. 

Another student who deserves huge kudos was 80 year-old Mary.  On the first day of class, she had to use her hands to get up out of the chair.  On the final day, she was able to do 9 perfect form chair stands WITHOUT using her hands!  Yeah Mary!  That makes a huge difference in the quality of her life.  She is no longer embarrassed about getting up out of the chair.  How did she do it?  She practiced her homeplay exercises.  She did the work.

Both Eve and Mary clearly show that it's not too late to improve your fitness.  And men, this is not just for women.  In my other class at Fremont Presbyterian, an 88-year old gentleman who is an active athlete, increased his lower body flexibility by 4 inches!  HE CAN NOW TOUCH HIS TOES!  Think about how great that is when getting dressed in the morning, not to mention how it improves your walking gait!  Awesome job!

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