Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Determination and Fall Prevention

I am determined to get the word out about Exercise and Fall Prevention.  
I am determined to help people enhance their balance skills.
I am determined to show others how to remain independent.
I am determined to improve quality of life through increased flexibility.
I am determined to remain strong by challenging each muscle group safely.
I am determined to improve postural habits by sitting tall and checking my window.
I am determined to maintain hip and shoulder mobility.
I am determined to Take 5 to Exercise each day.

What are you determined about?  
If you are determined to reduce your risk of a fall, increase your flexibility, get stronger, improve your posture and/or maintain total body balance, then my Take 5 to Exercise dvd series is for you!
Check out my website,, and order your copy today.  
Be determined to Break the Cycle of Fear.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Breathe in, breathe out....

    Well, maybe not if you are outdoors and you happen to live in the Sacramento, California region like I do.  
    Unfortunately, there are hundreds of forest fires burning in our beautiful state and the result is unsafe air due to the smut, fire particles and pollution looming in the air.   Not only is the air polluted but it's also HOT, somewhere around the undesirable 100 degree mark, compounding the polluted air by forming a unbearably hot, smokey cloud around us.  This condition reminds me of life back east in the heat, haze and humidity that I grew up in.  It was awful.  This is awful.
    So my friends, I'm sure you are asking what in the world this has to do with Fall Prevention... well, my point is how important it is to deeply breathe in clean air.  Often.  When you have it, don't take it for granted, right?  Right.
    Practice breathing in deep through your nose so your nose hairs can filter out the impurities, hold that for a second, then exhale through your mouth.  Slightly close your mouth as if playing a musical instrument (also called pursed lips), as you force the air out of your lungs, feeling your diaphram squeezing as you exhale.
    Practice this deep breathing at least 3 times a day.  You pick the times but make it a habit.  Heck, take in a deep breath whenever you remember.  Too much air isn't such a bad long as it's good air!
    Deep breathing encourages oxygen exchange at the cellular level and that oxygen is necessary for energy.  And life requires energy, especially since you are following a consistent stretching and strengthening routine.  
     My Take 5 to Exercise routines:  Flexibility, Strength 1, Posture, Strength 2, and Maintenance.  Your body will adapt to these movements designed to reduce your risk of a fall and to improve the quality of your life.   And it all starts by when you Take 5 to Exercise.
Visit and order your copy.

Your Fall Prevention lady.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Self discipline and Fall Prevention

I recently suffered a major disappointment in my professional pathway and I found myself in a bad place:   a pity party and no one was invited.  Yes, it's true, life is full of setbacks and how we cope with those disappointments not only forms our character but also determines our future. 
If you listen to the negativity, you begin to believe the trash and your actions follow accordingly.   For instance, if your doctor attributes a recent fall to "getting old" and states that falls are a normal part of aging,  you'll start believing that falls are inevitable and you won't do anything about your physical being.
I am here to tell you that falls are not a normal part of the natural aging process.  Yes, it is true, people begin to fall more as they age but there are numerous causes for a fall:  multiple medication mismanagement, home environment hazards, poor nutrition, and physical weakness due to the loss of lean muscle. 
You have to believe in something in order to see it.  Start believing that you are strong and healthy and if you are sick, begin to focus on the healing powers of your body.  Envision yourself strong, capable, and able.   You deserve a quality life and once you believe that and begin to see yourself functioning safely,  you will feel better.   Start small and be grateful for the little things.
If you have a fallen and are afraid of falling again,  start your Take 5 to Exercise seated stretching and strengthening routines today and you will begin to feel yourself getting stronger as you gain more flexibility.  Keep doing my Take 5 to Exercise program for 3 weeks and you will notice your improved posture as your confidence soars as you become increasingly aware of your body and respect those physical limitations.
Hey, I think success is the best revenge so show your doctors, your loved ones, and yourself that you are a strong, capable adult who can not only function but thrive as you age.  As for me, I will never stop believing in myself .
Yours truly,
The Fall Prevention Lady