Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prevention magazine's #1 anti-aging secret...

Reading a back issue of Prevention magazine, I noticed one common denominator as I read the different articles and exerpts on "staying young", "fight vs. aging", "beauty secrets", and of course, the "fountain of youth". The common thread?
Also, follow a healthy diet if you want to live long, remain strong, maintain brain function, lose weight, AND reduce the risk of a fall. It's clear, no re-inventing the wheel...
The key to reducing the risk of disease and/or disability or learning to live with a chronic disease once it's been diagnosed is to follow a regular exercise program and eat sensibly. There is no magic pill. No excuses. No gimmicks.
But it's not rocket science either. Everything in moderation, including activity. People, I am an exercise extremist. I am addicted to sweat. I thrive when I exercise and I encourage others to give it a try. I want to share my years of education and experience with you by cutting to the chase and saving you the time.
Take 5 to Exercise. An actual, practical, factual approach to seated exercise routines. No experience required. Start seated and prepare to get more flexible, gain strength, practice better posture and maintain total body balance as you challenge your brain. It's educational.
It's entertaining,
It's edu-tain-ment.
Order yours today.
Warning: Prevention is cost effective and can be helpful to your health.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Cost of Prevention....

   Retirement is a time of life that people embrace.  It is supposed to be the culmination of a lifetime of hardwork and sacrifice.    Unfortunately, in today's economy, retirement is plagued by fears of fixed income, increasing medical insurance, sinking IRAs and disappearing pension plans.  
My Take 5 to Exercise series is a sound investment in your health and long-term well-being.  A perfect gift for an older relative, an aging spouse, or a lonely neighbor, my 5-day series was developed to educate then demonstrate effective activities that reduce the risk of an accidental fall.
Fortunately, prevention is not only the best medicine but also your most cost effective investment in the long run.  My father always told me to look at the big picture and prevention is exactly that:  looking at the big picture of your health.  Regardless what age you begin, you can improve the quality of your life tomorrow by making healthier lifestyle choices today.  
Consistently engaging in a professionally designed and developed fall risk reduction exercise program is  the ticket to the quality of life your have worked so hard for and now deserve.
You will have peace of mind knowing that your loved one is safe because the routines are done while seated.  A new approach to seated exercise videos,  my Take 5 to Exercise series offers the viewer individualized sessions with their own personal fitness trainer:  ME, Kelly Jo Ward.
Give it a try.  Show a loved one how much you care.  Get them their own personal trainer... California based, former South Carolina resident, and Pennsylvania raised, Kelly Jo Ward!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Centenarians and Fall Prevention Exercise

Yes, yes, yes!!! I had my first centenarian in class this week! And he was a man!
I was late getting to class so when I got to the door, one of my newer students, Laura, said I had a surprise waiting for me. As I turned the corner, I saw that the room was full, there were new members, and 2 of the new faces were men!
Joe, 100 years old, (and obviously a MAN) came to class with his wife, Laura. Last week, she talked to me about his recent fall and I guess she decided to bring him with her! She's a real go-getter, a true survivor who is not afraid to push herself or her husband. And guess what? He did great. It was probably the first time in 100 years that he stretched his hamstrings but I have to say his form was perfect!
The other gentleman, Harold, was also with his wife, Marie. It was the first class for both of them and they did wonderfully. He stretched, struggled and smiled. I could see how good it felt for him to do the stretches. He was grinning as he checked his window and he was not afraid to challenge his balance.
Today was a fabulous day. The type of day that makes me smile from deep down within. To see the room filled with my regulars and the newcomers was such a wonderful feeling, I'm still smiling. The buzz around the facility is that my fall prevention exercises work, the seated exercise routines make you feel good and the instructor knows what she's doing.
Order my Take 5 to Exercise series today and find out what all the buzz is about.
Praising his precious name.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brain Education for Successful Aging

Are you worried about losing your memory?
Are you concerned about losing your grip on reality?
Are you afraid what might happen if you do lose your memory?

Most adults are. In fact, over 80% of baby boomers are concerned about brain function, or losing brain capacity.
During the 6th annual ICAA conference last week in San Antonio, I had the opportunity to attend a cutting edge research seminar on Brain Education for Successful Aging hosted by Cal State Fullerton brain education expert, Dr. Jessie Jones and Master student, Nicole Dean.
Dr. Jones did a fabulous job of explaining what happens to our brain during the aging process and ways a person can optimize brain function while aging using the BEST training program.
My friends, the results are in: Physical activity is the best thing you can do to maintain your brain, the take home message was "What's good for your heart is good for you brain".

To improve function, tasks should be:
  • Complex (aka, challenging)
  • New
  • Some type of aerobic movement that increases circulation
Studies indicate walking is one of the best exercises you can do because walking involves moving various parts of the body. By paying attention to what you're doing, you engage the thinking process which stimulates the brain.
During my fall risk reduction exercise classes, I challenge participants to practice the skill of walking in place. No big deal, right? Try it after years of using a walker or cane!
I challenge adults to lift the opposite arm and leg (the body's natural balance mechanism) and you should see the concentration level rise! Practice makes perfect and my class is a perfect example of that. The simple act of walking in place can benefit your brain, your balance, and your endurance. All in one activity!
Maintain your brain function and Take 5 to Exercise everyday!
The research is in. The follow along videos are out. Order your set today.
The Fall Risk Reduction Lady!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Cognitive function and prevention of falls

I was reading an evidence-based study today to familiarize myself with the entire "study" process since I will be conducting one with my Take 5 to Exercise program soon and I discovered an interesting link between cognitive function and fall risk.
Apparently, our cognitive 'executive function' or lack thereof is indicative of one's risk of a fall.  There are many tests to determine the state of one's of executive function, but there are two in particular that are predictive of falls.   If 'set shifting' which requires one to go back and forth between multiple tasks and 'response inhibition' which is the ability to suppress automatic reactions in favor of alternative, planned behaviors are low, a person has difficulty concentrating and thus increased risk of a fall.
In studying the home-based balance and strength retraining Otago Exercise Program, researchers discovered that an exercise program including balance and resistance training plus some walking reduced falls and improved executive function, particularly response inhibition.  This is the first study to indicate that an exercise program designed to reduce falls can also improve cognitive function.  Exercise is good for the brain and this proves it!
In Day 5 of my senior exercise video series, Take 5 for Maintenance, we do exercises that not only help maintain the shoulder and hip but also the brain!  I encourage viewers to imagine they are drawing a sword, opening the refrigerator door, do some Dorothy clicks....all from the comfort of your chair.  
Seated exercise routines don't have to be boring.  Engage your visual senses with the spectacular view behind me and my Take 5 ladies, establish that mind-to-muscle connection that stimulates growth, and flex those brain muscles as you imagine yourself doing fun things all while reducing your risk of a fall.  
Oh yeah, this is good.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new...

Get rid of your old senior exercise videos and try something new:  Take 5 to Exercise!
I know that change is difficult but like I explain in Day 3 of my series, it's takes 3 weeks to form a habit.  Give a new behavior 3 weeks of your best effort and then decide if this is for you.
See, the body adapts to the same 'ol exercises and while some movement is better than none, why not challenge yourself and learn something new, too?  
Here in the United States of America, we have a new president and that's going to take some getting used to.  We have been under the same party leadership for as long as I can remember so while change is needed, it's also scary.  For me, I put my trust in the Lord and pray for the leaders of our great country.
If you have been struggling with a fear of falling or you have a loved one who's safety you are concerned about, my seated exercise video series may be the answer you need!  In each of my seated exercise routines, I explain why each movement is important as well as provide helpful tips to help reduce your risk of a fall.  
I am not a political activist by any means but I am a physical activist in the sense that I want to help older people remain independent and enjoy a quality of life they deserve.  If you have a loved one whom you are concerned about, try my Take 5 to Exercise video series.  The fall prevention exercises are all done while seated so it's a great place to start.
Out with the old, in with the new.  Don't be bitter, get better!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fall Prevention=Fall Risk Reduction

I learned a very important legality at the CAHF annual convention:
   Fall prevention is not the best description for my program since falls are accidents and accidents happen.  I cannot guarantee that you will never fall if you follow my program but I can guarantee that you will greatly reduce the risk of a fall if you consistently engage in my seated exercise routines.
I had an administrator ask me if I could guarantee he would see fewer falls at his establishments and if his residents would be safer by following my Take 5 to Exercise program. He asked and I confidently stated, "Yes,  your residents will get stronger and experience fewer falls once my program is started and practiced regularly".  
  Granted, the instructor needs to know about proper form and how to execute the exercises correctly, but once I "train-the-trainers" so they feel confident following along with my seated DVD series, the benefits will happen.  Flexibility will improve, strength will increase, confidence will soar and reaction times will quicken.  Medical research proves it, my program applies it.
  Flexibility, strength, posture, endurance, maintenance, and yes, balance are components of an effective fall risk reduction program and they are all addressed in my seated Take 5 to Exercise series.    Give prevention a try.  
 Don't wait until there is a disaster, practice preventative behaviors now and save yourself the money and long-term consequences.

The newly named,
Fall Risk Reduction Lady

Saturday, November 8, 2008

CAHF Convention: Take 5 to Exercise

      Tomorrow, I am headed to the California Association of Health Facilities Annual Convention in Anaheim.   This is where directors, executives, and managers for all long-term care facilities in the state of California get together for continuing education, product display and demonstration, and of course, personal entertainment.  
      Skilled nursing homes and long-term care institutions are all too familiar with the prevalence of falls among the elderly population.  In fact, Dr. Laurence Rubenstein stated that 4 out of 5 long-term care residents fall each year and he contributes lower body weakness as the number one cause for these falls.  (Aging Well, Winter 2008).
      Because I specialize in fall prevention exercises, I  have my work cut out for me!  The reason it will be a challenge for me is because in their eyes, the directors and management personnel already have an Activity Director in charge of Fall Prevention.  The AD is supposed to do what it takes to keep the residents active.  The unfortunate thing is like management, most activity directors do not realize how important a thorough exercise program is in the prevention of falls.   Most ADs do not specialize in fall prevention, and are not Certified senior fitness trainers.  But I am!  
      That is why I hope to network with as many people as I can to tell them about my Senior Exercise Videos series, Take 5 to Exercise.   My series is an asset to any video library but as a Health and Fitness professional, I provide an education that is useful not only to an elderly viewer but also an interested caregiver.    
My Train-the-Trainer workshop is perfect for staff members because it is easy to understand and use in everyday life.  Participants enjoy a power point presentation, physical demonstration, hands on experience, and a thorough education about aging and the human body.  
       Because I am a one-woman business, my booth will to be fancy.  I will not offer candy treats nor do I plan on wowing them with expensive eye-catching technotronics.  I do plan on greeting everyone with a warm smile and exuding my passion for helping seniors reduce the risk of a fall through the application of consistent movement.   I hope each person who visits my booth will take away one fall prevention exercise that they will do daily.  

Watch out, Mickey, move over Donald, the Fall Prevention Lady is coming to town!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's time for change....

OK people, I have to tell you something, something I'm not proud of.  I am 40 years old and this was the first election I voted.  Ever.  I thought it ironic as went to the voting place and thought I tell people everyday that it's never too late to start and well, I'm here to tell you it's never too late to start!  POLITICALLY OR PHYSICALLY!!!
   So guess what?  It's time for change.  We, the United States of America, have a new president.  A new political party President.  One who has a different vision of healthcare.  A man who is encouraging the people to be responsible, not only for themselves but for each other.  A President who embraces prevention.
I embrace Fall prevention.  We are an aging society and the fastest growing segment of the population is over 85 years old.  Falls cost society billions of dollars and that number is expected to grow along with the population unless we do something.  It's time for a change.
It's time to take responsibility for your well-being and practice good behaviors now, before a tragedy occurs.  It's called prevention.  No one plans to fall which makes accidental falls so devasting since a  life is changed instantly.  Accidents happen but you can reduce the risk of an accident by lifestyle and environmental changes.  
I'm talking fall risk reduction exercises.  Gentle stretching and strengthening activities done while seated are effective.  Start with the basics.  Start a program.  A consistent program.  And guess what, I have the plan!  Take 5 to Exercise. 
 It's time for a change.  My new approach to senior exercise videos will educate, enlighten, and encourage you to change your daily habits.  No matter what age you begin, your body will adapt.  The body was made to be in motion so let's keep it that way. 
Visit my website and order your set today.   Change is good. 
The Fall Prevention Lady

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm IN, Therapeutic Aging, watch out!

  Ok, I got the news:  I have been accepted to California State University at Sacramento to pursue a Specialized major, one I created, a Master of Science in Therapeutic Aging!  I am so excited because my thesis will be studying my Take 5 to Exercise program within local settings, maybe even the Veteran's Administration.  
I will begin graduate school in January and finish one year later, Spring 2010.  Wow, 2010 and my life will just begin.  See, it's never too late to start something.  I will be 42 years old when I get my Masters and my professional career finally takes off.  Being an older student has it's benefits though.  I have done the wild and crazy freshmen stuff.  I have been married (and divorced).  I have discovered my spiritual gifts.  I know what I am passionate about and what I could care less about.  
I want you to ask yourself the same things.  Are you living the life you want to live?  Are you doing what you can to make the most out of life?  I realize, and respect, the changes that a person faces during the aging process:  the body slows down, years and years of poor choices add up, reality sets in.  We are not who we used to be, we have new limitations.  
But life is meant to be lived.  Challenges occur, adjustments are made, life goes on.  There's nothing easy about getting older, it's tough but in order to be the best you can be, it's critical that you maintain your body.  The basics:  stretch, strengthen, practice good posture, maintain the little muscles, challenge your balance.  
The basics that can be done while seated in your chair.  Senior exercise videos are everywhere but be careful.  I want you to learn from someone who is passionate about helping people reduce the risk of a fall.  Someone who has studied fall prevention exercises.  Someone who teaches seated exercise routines regularly.  
Do you know what is truly important to you? If you value independence, order my Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention dvd series and live the life you want.

The Fall Prevention Lady, 
soon to be Master Ward!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Prevention exercises in assisted living facilities

       I have been teaching fall prevention exercises within an assisted living facility in Carmichael,  CA for almost 2 years.  Twice a week each week, the same core group of residents participate in my seated exercise routines and standing balance challenges. The best part is my fall prevention exercises have become part of a routine for this core group and because consistency is the key to success for physical well-being, these adults are in amazing shape. 
Needless to say, I incorporate each of the 4 components of an effective fall prevention exercise program:  strength, flexibility, balance and endurance.  For those who are able, we start standing and do some balance training before sitting down for the remainder of the class.
Last week, 2 new residents joined the group.  Both ladies are a complete joy to have in class but I have to remind them to slow down and let their body catch up with their mind since they are starting from scratch!  My "regulars" are in amazing shape so I have to remind the newcomers to listen to their body.  I encourage them to relax, be consistent and they will see improvements. 
In fact, encouraging older adults to keep moving is the number one way to reduce disability and the signs of aging.   All the recent medical studies and research proves it: use it or lose it.   But the most important element of any program is heart.  Participants must have the desire to stay strong.  To remain independent.  
Take 5 to Exercise each day.   Survival of the fittest.  Survival of the strong at heart.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sun City and Fall Prevention exercises

    Not too long ago, I attended a Baby Boomer Expo at the prestigious Sun City Roseville community and I have to say that those people have it made!  Living there must be like living in a country club!  Golf courses everywhere, they have a full gym, swimming pool, sauna, tons of exercise classes offered daily, the director is doing a fabulous job keeping people active.
    However, I only saw the 'active' people.  Those who thrive on social interaction, those who are in relatively good health, those who recognize the importance of staying active in order to remain independent.  That's when I start to wonder about the thousands of other older adults who live in the Sun City community who would rather exercise alone, in the comforts of their home.  What are they doing?
    I wonder what type of Senior Exercise Videos the people in Sun City are watching in their homes.  Are they participating in up-to-date, scientifically researched seated exercise routines developed by fitness professionals or are they following the same 'ol routine using the same 'ol weights?    If so, they may be hurting themselves and here's why....
    No matter what age, the body adapts to the demands of exercise by getting stronger, more flexible,  and improving balance abilities.  When a person does the same stuff, the body doesn't have to adapt which is why you have to keep your body guessing so it can react and adapt.   If you have been doing the same seated exercise routines year after year, you are not improving your physical well being.  
    Don't get me wrong, some movement is better than none but it's time for a change.   A safe change.  It's time to Take 5 to Exercise.   My series educates you about why you need to do the movements then demonstrates how to do stretching and strengthening fall risk reduction exercises, all while seated. 
    Visit Take 5 to Exercisew today and order a copy of the most up-to-date fall risk reduction videos out there.  Edu-tain-ment.  Be educated while you are entertained.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"Basic 5" Fall Risk Reduction Exercises....

Take 5 to Exercise is a new approach to senior exercise videos because viewers are coached through fall risk reduction exercises as if they were having a session with their own Personal Fitness trainer.  
Although each DVD focuses on a different component of an effective fall risk reduction exercise program, there are 5 exercises repeated throughout the series and I call them my "Basic 5 Stretches".  The basic 5 stretches are:
1.  Take 5 Hand Squeeze
2.  3 Circles:  Wrist, Arm, Ankle
3.  Leg Extension
4.  Hamstring stretch
5.  Kegal Squeeze
I encourage all viewers to incorporate these 5 movements into a daily routine and to do these movements 
while in proper seated position and always use good form.
I provide verbal cueing to remind the viewer to focus on specific body parts which is important when establishing a solid mind-to-muscle connection.   I explain how certain movements relate to total body wellness and why doing the activity will reduce the risk of a fall.  I also remind viewers to breathe deeply, especially when exerting effort.
Make sure to order my Take 5 to Exercise fall risk reduction exercise series and discover why each movement is 
basic to your total body health.

The Fall Prevention Lady

Friday, October 24, 2008

Chair requirements for seated exercise routines

Suppose you have an older relative, a loved one,  a spouse, or someone who has fallen and is afraid of falling again.  Someone who sits all day and is complaining about low back pain.  You do the smart thing and decide to order my gentle seated exercise series, Take 5 to Exercise but you don't know what type of equipment is needed to do the exercises in the video.
The only equipment you need to get started is a chair and soup cans.  The resistance band comes with the strength training videos.   I have been teaching fall risk reduction exercises to seniors throughout Northern California and have found a chair that I like participants to use while following along with my Take 5 to Exercise series.
Let's review the chair requirements:
1.  It must be sturdy!  Pick a chair that has sturdy legs.
2.  Pick a chair that is upright.  When seated in the chair, your back is upright not leaning back or tilted forward but upright to the best of your ability.'
3.  When sitting in the chair, both feet touch the floor, especially when your hips are scooted to the back of the seat.  I realize some people are vertically challenged but do the best you can!
4.  I prefer to use a chair without arm rests.  The reason is that there is a lot of arm movement in all 5 of my senior exercise videos and the arm rests get in the way.  
  The important thing is that you're doing the movements, not what your chair looks like!  This list is what I prefer to use but do the exercises with whatever chair you have.  
Because your safety ALWAYS comes first, for those in wheelchairs:
1.  Put the breaks on!!!
2. Lift the arm and/or foot rests ONLY if it is safe or if you have done that before.  
  Be safe and let's Take 5 to Exercise!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall Prevention EXERCISES

Fall prevention is more than picking up throw rugs and keeping night lights on.  It is about maintaining the physical abilities to function in everyday life and being able to react to life's imbalances.  Consistent exercise is essential to reducing the risk of a fall.   
As an educator, I am surprised to find that people are not aware of how simple, consistent exercises can help prevent a fall.  Throughout my interactions, I had the opportunity to talk to an elderly gentleman, Bob, who was concerned about his wife who has started to fall more often.
She trips over the dog, the dog toys, the dog bed.  She slips on the throw rugs.  She barely has the strength to get up and once she's up, she has difficulty staying up.  I immediately asked if she does any exercises.  "Oh no, she won't do any of the senior exercise videos that we have," he responded.
After I explained how basic movements, such as ankle circles, toe point and flexes, leg extensions and hamstring stretches will help reduce his wife's risk of tripping since we react to life's imbalances from the ground up, Bob had a better understanding of how to help his wife reduce her risk of falling.   Flexible ankles and strong calves are the first line of defense in reducing falls.  Strong legs are perhaps the most important.
I saw the light bulb over Bob's head once he realized how easy those movements were to do and how they would help his wife.  He immediately purchased my Take 5 to Exercise fall risk reduction dvd series and was excited about helping his wife.  Of course, the throw rugs will be picked up, the dog toys and bed will be moved but mostly, Bob is not going to do everything for his wife anymore but encourage her to use it so she doesn't lose it.  
Order my Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention dvd series and see how you can help a loved one (or yourself) reduce the risk of tripping and falling.  Exercise doesn't have to be strenuous or painful so start with my Basic 5 stretches and you will feel better about yourself as you become aware of your body's abilities and limitations.

Spreading the word that exercise is fall prevention,
The Fall Prevention Lady


A lot of people ask me how I can teach a fall prevention class while seated or how a Senior Exercise Videos can be helpful in reducing fall risk. "Isn't fall prevention about balance?" Don't you have to stand on a BOSU ball, use foam rolls, balance boards and all that other fancy equipment seen in the gym?
NO, NO, NO. In fact, a mentor of mine, Rodney Corn formerly with the National Academy of Sports Medicine now a Fall Prevention expert, once said it was time to get back to the basics. Time to learn how to move properly. Time to teach the body the correct movement patterns. Time to reduce compensation and improve efficiency. That's why I say it's time to Take 5 to Exercise!
For my older audience members, seated exercise routines are the perfect medium because viewer safety is my primary concern. Years of inactivity have made it difficult to concentrate on moving properly, not to mention maintain one's balance. Thus, I start with the basics while seated in your chair.
My Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention exercise dvd series reviews basic movement patterns needed in everyday life. Let's master the basics before progressing to more advanced movements, afterall, you need to crawl before you can walk!
Check out my new approach to seated exercise by visiting my website and ordering your own copy to do while seated in the privacy of your own home!

The Fall Prevention Lady

Senior Exercise Videos and Fall Prevention

I believe that maintaining one's physical well being is probably the most important component of a fall prevention program.   I'm not just saying that because I am a Certified Personal Fitness trainer because as we all know, without one's health, quality of life is severely compromised.
So as the holidays approach (yes, another year is almost gone), I begin to notice the different types of gifts available and most of them are junk.  Unfortunately, we are a society who tends to gather junk, well at least I do.  Hoarding runs in the family but that is something I actively resist as I get older and my apartment gets smaller!
Anyway, I was scanning the Senior Exercise Videos and found the same consensus:  most of them are junk!  The instructors aren't qualified, the moves are done incorrectly and in some cases, the entire format is copied from a good one.   I have quickly learned that some professional agencies plagerize for the sake of profit  so this one's you  in florida, consider it my gift to you,  extra information you may have overlooked or you may need content for your blog on fall prevention.
Any decent exercise video designed for older adults who want to reduce the risk of a fall should include 4 components and they are:
1. Flexibility
2. Strength
3. Balance
4. Endurance
As a Fall Prevention instructor for the City of Sacramento's 50 Plus Wellness program, I make sure to include exercises that address each of these components in my classes.  For those who do not have the luxury of an instructor or an activity director, make sure that the senior exercise video you spend your money on has more content that just sitting in the chair throwing your arms around.  Each exercise has a purpose and is intended for a specific muscle group.
My Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention series addresses these 4 components all while seated making them safe for any senior who watches exercise videos at home.  I safely coach the viewer through basic moves intended to improve flexibility and balance, increase strength and endurance, and encourage better posture.   Oh and I also encourage viewers to engage that imagination so be prepared for battle of the bulge!
Show a loved one how much you care, ease your concerns and help break the cycle of fear associated with a fall.  Order a complete set of my Take 5 to Exercise Fall Prevention exercise routines today.

The Fall Prevention Lady

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nancy Reagan and fall prevention

Nancy Reagan fell over the weekend.  The former first lady got up in the middle of the night and fell.   She didn't go to the doctor.  The only reason she went to the doctor 4 days afterward was because the pain in her pelvis got worse.  X-rays indicate that she broke her pelvis when she fell. 
 Falls happen.  No doubt about it, accidents happen.  But there are ways you can reduce your risk of a fall:
1.   Use night lights
2.   Get up slowly from a lying position
3.   Maintain lower body strength by participating a resistance training program.  
4.   Build strong bones by walking and lifting weights 
5.   Stretch what you strengthen!!!

Basically, make the time to Take 5 to Exercise each and everyday.  My Take 5 to Exercise DVD series explains why a person needs to exercise in order to prevent unnecessary falls then I coach you through specific movements designed to reduce your risk of a fall.  
Day 1:  Take 5 for Flexibility
Day 2:  Take 5 for Strength (resistance band included)
Day 3:  Take 5 for Posture
Day 4:  Take 5 for Strength (resistance band & dumbbells)
Day 5:  Take 5 for Maintenance
***DVD running time between 20-30 minutes

The perfect gift for a loved one?  Take 5 to Exercise Fall Prevention DVD series.      Give loved ones their own "Personal trainer in-a-box" set of educational, entertaining DVDs that offer a new approach to seated!!!   Independence for seniors, peace of mind for families.....  order today!

The Fall Prevention Lady

Monday, October 13, 2008


My mom, who lives in Pennsylvania, is visiting me this week out here in California and we've been busy!  I have only seen my mom once in the past 6 years so we've been chatting, sightseeing, and hanging out.  Actually, she came here to inspire, encourage and counsel her youngest daughter as I embark on my Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention DVD business, and there's nothing better than mom!  
I have aged and so has my mom.   Like mother, like daughter, my mom remains active and eats healthy which keeps her in great shape.   She is a little rounder, has a little more grey but she's just as sassy as ever!  Since her daughter is the "Fall Prevention Lady", she felt comfortable asking me about her hip pain.  "It feels like it pops out," she said when I asked her why she was limping early one morning. 
After assessing her movement patterns, I recognized an ailment common to ladies in their early 60s.  My mom has hip issues that can be corrected by a simple stretching and strengthening program.  Specifically, her hip abductors are weak and her hip adductors are tight.  Her hip pops when she walks because her hip stabilizers are weak.   This imbalance, plus a super tight piriformis, pulls on her pelvis, causing her knees to bow outward when she squats. I have to say that she was all over the place when I had her stand at balance threshold !!!
Like most people who do not practice balance and/or resistance training, her hip stabilizer muscles are weak but since my mom was a cheerleader in high school and excelled in gymnastics, she is aware of her body movements and quickly responded to my verbal cues.  With consistent practice, she can correct her muscular imbalance, reduce her hip pain and prevent further disability.   
My mom walks 2 miles a day, 5 days a week but she quickly realized that is not enough.  Yes, she is healthy but if she ignored the hip pain and just kept on walking, not strengthening the weak muscles while stretching the tight ones, her pain would become progressively worse while her independence would be increasingly compromised.  
       The moral of my blog:  if you have nagging pains, unusual hip, leg, foot or back pains, please visit a professional.   Nagging pains only get worse when left untreated.  Baby boomers, those 50 and older, are beginning to develop what has become known as boomeritis.    Become aware of boomeritis now so you can continue to live the quality of life you have worked so hard to achieve.
Do what I did and give your mom a 5-day set of my Take 5 to Exercise Fall Prevention DVD series so she can start learning the basics about movement as well as how to stretch tight muscles and strengthen weak ones.  Remember,  you're never too old, or too young to benefit from consistent exercise.  Imbalance leads to compromise and compromise leads to sacrifice.  Don't sacrifice the quality of life you deserve.

Love your mom,
The Balance Enhancement Specialist.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Take 5 to Exercise is Therapeutic Aging

I have decided to return to California State University Sacramento and complete my master's degree.   CSUS offers a specialized master's program for academically blessed people like me in which you design your own degree. In 2006, I completed the Graduate Certificate of Gerontology program and now, I have applied to combine my study of aging with Therapeutic Recreation and call it Therapeutic Aging.
Therapeutic Recreation builds on my undergraduate Public Health foundation of health promotion and disease prevention.  TR also compliments my Gerontology studies in that it focuses on enhancing independent living skills while improving one's overall quality of life.    
     Hhhmmmm, sound familiar?  My "Take 5 to Exercise" Fall Prevention DVD series also promotes healthy lifestyle behaviors while preventing disability through consistent stretching and strengthening routines.....  :))))
I am excited about this because it is my aspiration to do a university study of my Take 5 to Exercise program within local assisted living facilities, or better yet, the Veteran's Administration, in order to prove the benefits of consistent stretching and strengthening routines in order to reduce the risk of falling!  
     The result: an evidence-based model of fall prevention through the specific application of consistent physical movement.  This is good.  My program is good.  I am focused.  Soon you will call me master!  Order your copy today before the price goes up!

Praising his precious name...
The Fall Prevention Lady 

Alzheimer's Disease and Fall Prevention

Yesterday, I attended a Quality Care workshop held by the Alzheimer's Association and found the information fascinating.  Alzheimer's is a tragic disease that affects the memory in people as young as 50 years old.  There are different types of Alzheimer's disease, each one affects a different part of the brain and some types of the disease progress more quickly than others.  
I certainly hope I don't develop any form of the disease and as a person who consistently engages in some type of daily physical activity, I am actively reducing my chances of developing Alzheimer's disease.  Medical studies indicate that exercise helps to keep the brain intact thus reducing the risk of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's.  Blood flow and increased oxygenation to the brain cells are some of the benefits of exercise, not to mention a good reason to Take 5 to Exercise each day.  
In fact, in Day 5 of my Take 5 to Exercise series where we Take 5 for Maintenance, I encourage viewers to "use that imagination" as we do some of the exercises.  Stimulating your mind as you challenge your body is a great combination.
Although falls are associated with aging, they are not a normal part of aging and they can be avoided.  If you or a loved one is starting to fall more often, there are things you might want to consider:

1.  Are you taking a new medication?
2.  Are you drinking enough water?
 3.  Are you eating enough?
4.  Is there enough lighting in the house?
5.  Are you getting enough of the right exercise?

The "right" exercise that will help reduce the risk of a fall is my Take 5 to Exercise program.  I specifically address the components of an effective Fall Prevention exercise regime, all while sitting.  Don't stress the small stuff like, "Am I doing this right?", "What am I forgetting to do?", "What else did that Fall Prevention lady mention?"..... order my product, sit back and have fun as I coach you through effective movements designed to reduce your risk of a fall and stimulate your brain.
Life is tough, time is short.  Or is it life is short, times are tough?  Either way, I've produced my series to help people reduce the risk of a tragic accident.   Falls are accidents and accidents can be avoided but it's up to you to do your part.  Visit and do your part today.

The Fall Prevention lady.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Be Smart, do preventative testing

So I'm at the Nevada County fairgrounds in Grass Valley, CA this beautiful September weekend to watch the draft horses. I'm talking with a friend of mine from the Sacramento TALL club (women have to be at least 5'10 and men 6'2... by the way, I"m 6'0 and he's 6'7!).

When asked why he wouldn't indulge in any of the normal fairground "cuisine", he told me about his recent "health scare" in December 2007. Apparently, my TALL friend was diagnosed with colon cancer and his doctors immediately scheduled surgery to have the polyps removed. That scared him enough to motivate major lifestyle changes in his diet and exercise habits. He was lucky, he is living cancer free to this day.

But the twist to the story, the reason I'm writing about this, is because his sister died from cancer the year before. Colon cancer to be exact. The irony is that she had been battling colon cancer for 10 years prior to her death and didn't tell anyone, not even her family members, until she was on her death bed.

As a Public Health educator who firmly believes in the power of prevention, I find this woman's actions upsetting because if she had told her family members that she had colon cancer, that would have alerted her surviving siblings to their risk of cancer. See, the risk of developing cancer and the subsequent need for preventative testing doubles if you have an immediate family member who has or had cancer. Immediate family is mother, father, brother, sister.

f you are struggling with a health risk, if possible, please tell someone in your immediate family. Sharing that type of information does not indicate weakness but reflects a loving concern for the health and well-being of your family. Life is not all about you but about relationships. If you are struggling, be a blessing to those you love by at least passing on a part of your family history.

The Fall Prevention Lady

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall Prevention season is here....

The weather is cooling off, leaves are beginning to change color, fall is in the air. September 21-28, 2008 is National Fall Prevention Week!!!! As the Fall Prevention lady, I am constantly talking about how to prevent falls and get some odd responses when asked what I do for a living, especially this time of year!

People's startled, if not dumbfounded reaction to my statement, "I specialize in Fall Prevention", indicates a sheer lack of knowledge about the severity of a fall and the life altering consequences a fall can have.

Getting out there and educating people about the need for consistent exercise in order to reduce the risk of a fall is what I do, and I love it. As a society, we need to increase awareness of the prevalence of falls. Accidents happen, and a fall is an accident, but a person can reduce the risk of an accident by staying active and increasing awareness of physical abilities and limitations.

I have found that most residential facilities offer exercise classes however most exercise classes do not include the 4 components of a thorough Fall Prevention routine. Staying up to date on physical fitness is the responsibility of the class instructor which is why my Take 5 to Exercise DVD series is an excellent educational tool for over-worked staff and would be an asset to all fitness video libraries.

I designed Take 5 to Exercise for those at home who may not have the ability (or desire) to join a class. It is especially important for these individuals to develop a consistent routine. One that is safe. One that is up-to-date, one that works! My Take 5 to Exercise program is all that!
Your Fall Prevention Lady

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


And you think you have it bad?  
I have to tell you all about the most amazing guest speaker at my church this weekend: NICK VUJICIC.  This 25 year-old gentleman was born without arms or legs.  He is a walking, talking torso.   A person who has every right, every reason, to be angry, to be hateful, to be depressed.
But he is not.  In fact, NICK VUJICIC exudes gratitude for life.  He praises God for choosing him to share the message with the world that a life without purpose is a life without meaning and a life without meaning is a life without hope.  Sometimes hope is all we have to go on but keep that hope alive and no matter what,  your circumstances will get better.
Nick's message was inspiring and touched me deeply because like most, I sometimes take life for granted.  I may find myself getting upset about little things, feeling sorry for myself when bad times hit, or thinking I have it hard.  When I heard, and saw, Nick on stage, I realized that even on my worst day my life isn't so bad. 
But I would like to tell you that until I was saved by the grace of God in 2005, I had been feeling sorry for myself since I was 17 years old.  I am 40.  What caused this extended pity party?  The summer before my senior year in high school, July 31, 1985,  I was hit and run over by 2 cars.   
As a result of being dragged under the first car over 100 feet before being hit and run over by the second speeding car, I was comatose for 5 days.  Structurally, my left femur broke into 2 pieces and my pelvis was fractured on both sides after punching through my body.  Internally, my liver was lacerated, my right lung was punctured, and I lost over 20 feet of large intestine due to excessive bleeding.    I suffered severe road rash all over my body, especially my face.   The doctors didn't expect me to walk again, not to mention play basketball and I was lucky to be alive.   
Suddenly, the national Division I basketball scholarship offers were replaced with prayers and letters of condolence.  My dreams died but I lived.  I was hospitalized for 3 months, endured grueling 2-a-day sessions in Physical Therapy, had to learn to walk again, and wasn't allowed to look in the mirror for 8 weeks.  Skin grafts were fresh and half of my head was shaved.  But I still had all my teeth, not to mention all my faculties! 
But was I grateful?  At first, yes but because I was 17 and in scholarship-athlete shape, I thought I was invincible.  I didn't truly realize how lucky I was to have survived without severe consequences.  Although my classmates voted me as Homecoming Queen, I didn't feel beautiful.  The life I knew was shattered.   I was in a wheelchair, I was forming raised keloid scars all over my body, and I was totally dependent on my mother for my activities of daily living.  At 17, I was supposed to be becoming a young, independent adult.  
But like Nick, I had hope.  Through perserverance, determination, and the loving support of my family and basketball coach, Mr. White, I graduated to using a cane, then running around the track.  I distinctly remember limping around the track at 8 o'clock at night, after basketball practice, with my mom beside me.   I was grateful then. 
I kept my sights focused on playing basketball again.  And I did.  Radford University, a Division I school in Radford, VA, graciously offered me a full women's basketball scholarship.  I made it!  My hope, determination and physical efforts kept me going when there didn't seem to be a reason.  
What do you hope for?  What do you have your sights set on?  What are your goals?  If you want to get stronger and reduce the risk of falling, don't ever give up hope.   You can do it and I want to help you with my "Take 5 to Exercise" dvd series.  Let me coach you through the basics. 
Nick has set his mind on being the best servant he can be, glorifying God, and inviting others to realize how much Jesus loves them.  And this man doesn't have arms or legs.  No matter what your circumstance, be grateful for what you have.  I know I am.

The Fall Prevention Lady.

Exercise, Fall Prevention, and Successful Aging

Yesterday I saw one of the best Geriatricians in the country, Dr. Michael McCloud. Together, the Department of Public Health's Center for Gerontology, the UC Davis Center for Healthy Aging, Kaiser Permanente, and Mercy Healthcare of Sacramento are offering a series of 1-hour educational seminars that encourage "Successful Aging".

Your Fall Prevention Lady

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fall Prevention class: Is it LIVE or is it Memorex?

Modern technology has enabled us to capture just about anything live and play it back, now in high definition, in such amazing quality, it's almost like you're there.  But you're not.  
Too often, skilled nursing and/or assisted living facilities rely on the same 'ol seated exercise videos to meet the required "one hour" of daily activity.  Residents sometimes enjoy the videos but nothing beats a live person teaching a class.
This summer, I was unable to teach my Fall Prevention classes for the City of Sacramento for one month due to scheduling conflicts and a flu-like quarantine.  My participants were getting disgruntled with the same "sit and be fit" videos and I was missing our weekly interactions, not to mention the benefits of consistent stretching and strengthening movements for myself.
True, routine can become stale at times but live interaction with a person who is passionate about what she is doing is irreplaceable.  My Take 5 to Exercise DVD series offers 5 days of different routines where I coach the viewer through the Basic 5 Stretches as well as introduce a new set of exercises each day.
My passion and enthusiasm is evident in my smile and even though I'm not there live in person, I can be.  I am available for refresher courses, encouragement classes, or follow up training.   I love what I do, I love meeting new people and I want to see you succeed.
Remember, "with God, all things are possible".  Mark 10:27
visit to get started on your consistent Fall Prevention exercise program and who knows, I may be coming to a location close to you.  
Ask and it will be given to you.  
Praise God.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Monday, August 18, 2008

Stretch, stretch, stretch...

Long days at the computer will take a toll on anybody, but especially my body today!  
I am an active person but we all have times when we have to sit.  Be it for travel, waiting at the doctor, the DMV, in your car, because there's nothing else to do.  Whatever the cause for sitting, the effect is the same:  tight hamstrings, tight low back, slouched shoulders.  Poor posture.
Simple seated solution:  Extend right leg out in front of you, left knee bent.  Push right heel into the ground, toes pointed toward the ceiling.  Sit tall, lift your chest, drop your shoulders, inhale then exhale as you slide your hands down your straightened right leg.  Do not round your shoulders.  Stop at the point of tension.  Hold for at least 20 seconds, exhaling.   Come up slowly, one vertebra at a time.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Do this exercise 2-3 times per day to relieve low back pain.  This is one of my Basic 5 stretches that I suggest everyone do each day.  Make a routine that includes the Basic 5 stretches.   The Take 5 Hand Squeeze, the 3 circles, leg extension, hamstring stretch and the Kegal squeeze.  I include these Basic 5s  in each of my dvd routines so make them part of your day, too.
Short on time, do the Basic 5 , breathe deep and promote nutrient and oxygen exchange at the cellular level... aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, that's better.
Hold for 20-30 seconds.  
That's it for today, I'm tight from sitting all day and need to stretch in the exact opposite direction as I've been sitting for hours at the computer. I'm going to put in Day 3,  Take 5 for Posture and  enjoy some gentle total body stretching to relieve muscular tightness.  
I highly recommend you do the same thing, too.  Especially if you feel tight and grouchy.   Stretch, breathe, smile as you Take 5 to Exercise.
Peace be with you.
the balance enhancement specialist

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fail to plan=plan to fail

Planning for future, especially retirement, has become a necessity rather than an option as society ages.   Or perhaps it has become more of a reality as I get older.    Either way, planning for the type of future you  want requires planning on your part today.
In the fitness world, failure to plan means you plan to fail, especially when it comes to nutrition.  Successful weight loss requires a person to burn more calories than he consumes.  To do that, a person needs to plan meals in advance.  Preparation and cooking ahead of time results in healthier choices, smaller proportions, stabilized blood sugar and less calories consumed.  Result:  weight loss.
Advanced directives are the wise way to plan for an accident.  Accidents happen and are part of life.  I lost my father when he died of a sudden heart attack and unfortunately, he had not planned for his death.   A retired Brigadier General at the age 59, he was enjoying life.  Plan for the unexpected and designate a person to make decisions in the case you cannot.  Advanced directives secure your wishes and protect your assets.
Accidents happen and sometimes those accidents can be life altering.  If you plan to age gracefully and do what you can to reduce the risk of a fall, make plans to consistently exercise in the proper manner.  
Plan on making the time to Take 5 to Exercise each day.  Try to practice better posture and your body will adapt and change as you strengthen weak, over-stretched muscles and stretch shortened, tight musculature.  You will breathe easier, your organs will function more efficiently, digestion will be improved.  
Plan on replacing the Cycle of Fear with my COPE strategy, this Cycle of Postural Energy will increase bodily efficiency, increase energy levels, and promote awareness of physical being which will successfully reduce the risk of a fall. Day 3 of my series, Take 5 for Posture, provides tips and some corrective movements I learned from Paul Chek  to improve posture.  
Plan on learning about the 4 components of a comprehensive exercise-based approach to fall prevention when you purchase your Take 5 to Exerise dvd set.   
Plan on successful aging. Balance challenges DVD coming soon!   
Plan on talking to you soon,
the Fall Prevention Lady

Go for It!

    Life is short.  Life is sweet.   Life is what you make it and how you live your life is up to you.  Personally, regret is the one thing I don't want to have when I'm 84 and I'm looking back at my life.  As a result, I decided to go for it this past week and went to a casting call for fitness models at the National Academy of Sports Medicine in Calabasas, California!
    Yes, I'm six feet tall.  Yes, I keep my body lean through proper exercise and a good diet.  And yes, I'm 40 years old but somewhere in the back of my mind, I had this crazy "fitness model" aspiration.  When I heard Dax Moy speak about 100 goals in 100 days, I must have subconsciously put this dream in my head.  When the email announcement hit my inbox, I went for it!  
    What is in your closet?  What crazy aspiration do you have?  Pick one, and GO FOR IT!  (Be safe and within reason, of course!).  Your life is ultimately the result of your decisions.  The quality of your life is directly related the quality of those choices.   If you choose to invest in your health and begin a consistent stretching and strengthening routine led by a qualified fitness professional, your body will make improvements and you will improve the quality of your daily life.  
    "The Secret" to life is summed up as the law of attraction.  If you think positive, you attract positive.  Likewise, if you dwell on the negative, (guess what), you will attract negative people and processes.  And no one wants negative events in life so when you think about preventing a fall, focus your energy on enhancing your balance skills, improving your flexibility, increasing your strength, and building your endurance.  Fall prevention is thinking positively about a negative.  (Wow, we've got the constellations buzzing on that, huh?!)
    Each day, you are getting stronger and more flexible in order to remain balanced.  Total body balance is healthy.  Your body thrives in proper alignment and a thriving, balanced body can react to life's imbalances.    Think positive prevention.  Think about the benefits of the exercises and movements you are doing.  Think about how you want to live your life and go for it!!!
    Start moving that body today.  Move that body everyday.  Start slow and progress gradually.   Your body is adapting to these new demands.  Think strong, think balance, think "I'm giving this my best effort" and GO FOR IT.
    Nothing to lose but fear.  Nothing to gain but a better quality of life through physical movement.   Take 5 to Exercise each day.
    Did I have the look they wanted?  I don't think so but hey, I tried.  I gave it my best so I'm asking you to give prevention your best.  Your best is all you can do and guess what?  You do it well.
Glory to God.
Your balance enhancement specialist

Trainer in a box!

As a person, I'm not familiar with or good at sales.
As an educator, I am good at training, teaching, and motivating.
As a Public health educator, I am passionate about the prevention of disease and promotion of health.
As a gerontologist, I am passionate about the prevention of falls among our aging population.
As a senior fitness trainer, I am passionate about the correct application of consistent exercise and movement patterns to reduce further disability and progression of disease in elders.
As a entrepreneur, I am passionate about my product, Take 5 to Exercise, which combines my all of my above passions on video. I truly want to help seniors reduce the risk of a fall and my product is the perfect way to get an older relative, friend, or yourself moving.
But hey, that's me.
As a fall prevention exercise guideline, Take 5 to Exercise provides a vital service for people want to take responsibility for their well being and get active. This "Personal Trainer in a Box for seniors" provides 15-20 minutes of mindful training where I cue the viewer how to properly do each exercise. There isn't music so there aren't distractions although I do recommend you play your favorite tunes at home if you prefer to exercise with music.

My Trainer-in-a-Box set, 5 days of Take 5 to Exercise dvds, provides guidance and encouragement to a population that can still benefit from the principles of modern scientific study. Personal safety and physical well-being are my primary concerns so you can relax knowing a professional is guiding them through each routine. And your loved ones will be impressed that you bought them sessions with their own Personal Fitness trainer!

Give your parents, or grandparents, the gift of a Personal Fitness Trainer: ME!
Proverbs tells us to honor thy mother and father. Be wise and invest in their future and quality of life. Visit and order one full week of Personal Fitness Trainer-in-a-Box Fall Prevention routines for your loved ones.

Your Balance Enhancement Specialist