Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Trigeminal Nerve Glide for the SAVE!

Today I was out in the field and my last in-home session was with Bob.   When I got there, Bob was on the phone and Bob was bothered about something.  His lovely wife walked me to the porch where we chatted while I setup for our session.

Five minutes later Bob came out swinging.  His jaw hurt, his head hurt, he had these pains and he didn't know if he could do anything.  He didn't do his homework, he didn't do anything.  He said he'd give this one more try.  He believed in what we were doing and was going to give this one more try.  He was upset.
Trigeminal Nerve for the SAVE!!!!

His right jaw was on fire and the pain spread down his neck.  He couldn't stand it.  The pain was constant.  Not shooting, constant.  The area he pointed to is innervated by Cranial Nerve five; the trigeminal nerve; his chewing muscles, behind the ear, upper neck and throat area.  All right side.

As he left the room to get his red glasses and Z-vibe, I prayed for an answer; a clear path based on the neuropractitioner skills of Z-Health Performance Systems Education.  Upon return, in addition to the noxious jaw pain, he complained about swelling in the lymph node area.  I decided to start with right lymphatic duct drainage after some eye drills.

Bob did some fantastic respiration drills to mobilize the lymphatic drainage process.  After a minute or so, I palpated the neck area and started cranial soft tissue mobilization drills.  Pressure checking revealed tight right side temporal, saggital and lambdoid suture areas.   After Bob did the tilting, nodding and gliding drills, his pain level dropped significantly.  He immediately noted greater mobility and ease of movement in the pained areas.

I sat down and asked about the pain level.  It was still there but only when he turned his head a certain way. He had to search for it but he could find it.  Barely.  That's when it hit me...THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE!!!    He needs to do the trigeminal nerve glide!

After following step by step instructions, a smile came over Bob's face.  The pain was gone. "So all I need to do when I start having jaw pain is this nerve glide?" he asked bewilderedly.

Yep.  I video taped him doing the drill and sent it to him at his new email address on his new iPad.
Despite his skeptical attitude,  Bob gets it!  This neuro-stuff is working.   And he's happy!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

In Brain-Training, NO Protocol Fits All!

People want easy solutions.  A one stop shop; if I do this, then this will happen.   If you follow these three easy steps, you will be cured.  If you do this stretch every day, your hip pain will go away forever.  We like predictability.  We want answers.  That's humanity.

People want answers and people in the helping professions (personal trainers, nurses, doctors, therapists, specialists, experts) are quick to offer solutions.  That's what we do; we fix problems.  We are trained to fix the problem.  Follow this protocol and you will be healed.

Brains and Balance Training with Coach Kelly
Unfortunately, our brains don't work that way.   The brain determines your movement, your balance, your vision.  Your fears, your pain, your habits; it all begins in the brain.  Due to the fact that we've all lived different lives, chosen different paths and faced different obstacles, no two
brains are the same.

For that reason, what "works" for one person may not work for you.  A drill that makes you feel like a million bucks might not even phase your friend.  That's why brain training cannot be mass produced.  The methods to optimize movement and reduce pain for each person is different and as unique as the client.   The community of Z-health Performance Neuro-Professionals recognize that NO PROTOCOL FITS ALL.

Ninety-five percent (95%) of what we do is habitual.  Ninety-five percent.  Unfortunately that means we are cruising through life on auto-pilot; totally unengaged from the moment and the movements we make to get through the day.

In my Brains and Balance Training, I teach neural activation drills that positively impact movement and balance.  It's fun to watch people's reactions after doing a vision drill; some have amazing results others might not feel a difference.  That's because no two brains are the same.

Or one person may not have done it correctly; she might be thinking about dinner and not watching her finger.  Or she may have a weakened eye muscle from an accident twenty-seven years ago and is unable to move the eye in it's full range of motion.  Now that drill becomes a threat rather than a benefit and her movement may not improve.  It's absolutely amazing to apply functional neurology.

I'm science-oriented. I like facts.  I thrive on objective data.  I want data; not possibilities. As a trained Z-Health Neuro-Practitioner, I am trained in the application of neuro-anatomy. There are scientific explanations for every action and reaction however A+B doesn't always equal C.   Discovering the weak link and training for optimized performance is the beauty of what I do;
solving or better understanding the puzzle, the why behind the reaction.

I wish more than anyone that there was one "Improve Vision" or "Cure for Vertigo"  protocol that I could teach in my classes but there's not.  Each person has a history; a unique and valuable journey.   You've earned the body you have today; change is up to you.  It's possible to rewire your nervous system to be more efficient.

Regardless, know that your brain is plastic and can change with specific training.

The Fall Prevention Lady
Or The Brains and Balance Lady

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Myth: I have vertigo so my balance won't ever get better

Vertigo is an inner ear disorder that is characterized by bouts of paralyzing dizziness, nausea, fatigue and of course, the anxiety and depression due to these unpredictability of life altering episodes.   Some vertigo is situational and disappears while other types of vertigo can last a lifetime.  Needless to say falls are a major concern for people who suffer from vertigo due to inner ear dysfunction.

Train Vestibular Input for Better Output with Coach Kelly
There are other types of inner ear disorders that have the same impact; dizziness, the loss of daily functional ability and falls.  My aunt Betty was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease had to quit line dancing; her favorite activity for forty years.

Although she was able to manage some of the symptoms with medication, her inner ear disorder affected all other areas of her life which negatively impacted her quality of life.

While inner ear disorders can be life altering, there are ways to train the vestibular system for better balance and reduction of the  many symptoms that accompany inner ear dysfunction.

Unfortunately when someone experiences dizziness or loss of balance due to head movement, they subconsciously begin to change body position and behavior to restrict head movement.  Smart brain, huh?  Two classic representations of a person living with inner ear disorder are: 1) Bobblehead or 2) Stiff walking.

Bobble head means the head moves all over the place when walking.   This is done subconsciously because one of the brain's reflexive pathways isn't working.  The other extreme is the stiff walker.  This is also done subconscious to prevent any natural movement of the head that occurs when walking because another reflexive pathway isn't working correctly.  

Here's the best news:  you can retrain your vestibular system and begin to regain control of your life.  I train the vision, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems for better sensory input and less sensory mismatch.  The result is your brain feels "safe" and can better predict what's going on now and what to expect.

Your frontal lobe or human self can tell yourself exactly what's going on but the part of the brain responsible for movement and vestibular integration doesn't communicate like that; it needs consistent, strong inputs for better movement or as I like to say, "all cylinders firing".

Now that I'm a Z-Health neuro-performance coach and balance expert who specializes in vision, vestibular and proprioceptive inputs to the brain, I wish I could have helped my Aunt Betty manage her meniere's disease for better daily function and maybe even get back on the dance floor.  I couldn't help but I'm here to help you.  

Can I cure you?  No.  That's up to you.  I give you the tools and you do the work.
I make NO PROMISES OR GUARANTEES but I can offer new brain-based training methods that have been shown to work.  If you've tried everything and nothing has worked, it's time to try something else.  I offer neuro-scientifically proven, holistic neural training to optimize daily performance.

Training Packages available   Skype/Facebook Live sessions.
Please contact me for more information:

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Goals #1 and #2 as certified Brain Exercise Therapist

As a health and fitness professional who studies the neuroplasticity of the brain and the enormous physical and mental benefits of brain activation, I have goals.  I want to make sure people understand the power of brain training and why they need to get started.

Kelly Ward, Brain Exercise Therapist 
I am an avid follower and studying practitioner of Dr. Eric Cobb's Z-Health Performance brain-based Solutions training and my number one goal is to "Re-educate those neural systems rendered dysfunctional from injury and disuse".   Dr. Cobb

Re-education of neural systems occurs via regular drills. Through comprehensive motor and sensory testing, I gather a picture of the brain's function and identify what needs more (or less) activation for optimal performance.

Once identified, I have my client do high pay-off drills frequently enough to make permanent changes.  It takes time to 're-educate the nervous system.  This requires behavior rehabilitation because a client has to do the exercises frequently and consistently to reap benefits on a permanent basis.

My second goal is to help you understand that big things come from little things.  I can guarantee that the drills you will do with me are new and unlike anything you have done with other trainers or health care professionals.  I do lots of 'sensory testing' and while these may not be huge "ah-ah"moments for you, I am gathering valuable data.

You don't have to have a background in neuroscience or know anything about the brain to work with me.  You'll probably hear me mumble things like 'right PMRF' or 'left saccule' or 'right side cranial nerve 7' but never mind me; I'm just gathering data.   The more sensory input, the greater the brain activation.  These little activations can have a huge impact on how you move.

As a certified Brain Exercise Therapist, I provide optimal sensory input to activate areas of the brain with decreased function.  These little drills add up.  When the brain feels 'safe' the pay-off is remarkable.  And pain-free.

Brain training. It's the future of fitness.  What have you got to lose?  Pain?  Poor posture?  Horrible balance?  Fading vision?  Yep, you can lose those things.

Let's re-educate your neural systems that have been injured or not used.  Subtle, small things can make a huge difference to your brain.  Let's get started!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Brains and Balance Vision Skill Training with Coach Kelly

Vision is a skill and like all skills, it will improve with practice.  Balance is a skill and like all skills, it will improve with practice.  Mental clarity is a skill and like all skills, it will improve with practice.

Are you seeing a pattern?  All skills will improve with consistent practice.  This is based on the exercise science "SAID" principle; the body undergoes Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands (SAID) when practicing or training to improve efficiency. 

In other words, practice makes perfect.  
Your body will get good at whatever you practice however you practice it.  

If you practice bicep curls, your body will adapt to imposed demands (what it's being asked to do) and get stronger to lift the amount of weight with the least amount of effort.  Yay, bigger arm muscles.
If you practice walking with a limp, your body is going to get really good at walking with a limp.  If you sit scrunched over in your chair or on the couch watching TV or playing on your phone, your body will get really good at sitting in a scrunched over position.

Think about what you're asking your body to do each day.  You're unknowingly building skills through habit.  The tricky part of skill training is doing it correctly.  You have to know HOW to train a skill in order to get better at the skill.

That's where I come in; I am trained in the skills of vision, balance and movement for optimized physical performance.  Your performance can be as simple as getting up from a chair, functioning in your daily life or improving your walk through this life journey or as complex as increased precision in your golf game, increased cardiovascular endurance for biking or running or regaining control of your body after a stroke.

Whatever your challange or goal, 
increased brain function 
will catapult your game!

Vision is the number one input to the brain and your trainer MUST KNOW the goal of each vision drill, what warning signs to look for and most importantly, how to train your eyes for optimized performance.

Every brain is different and general training classes are a great place to start before the need for individualized attention becomes apparent.  The basics will get you started but in order to thrive and make substantial changes, it's important to individualize your program.