Sunday, January 27, 2019

Your brain: Use it or Lose it

A participant in my Brains and Balance Training class at The Club at WestPark in Del Webb asked a valid, common question...."Why do I need to do this vision training"?  

The answer is simple: USE IT OR LOSE IT.  

We already know that if you don't move a body part, you lose the ability to move it. 

You know if you don't strengthening your legs, your legs get weak and you're more likely to fall. 

The same "USE IT OR LOSE IT" principle applies to your brain and nervous system called "TRANS-NEURONAL DEGENERATION"

A healthy brain needs fuel and activation.  If you don't activate the entire brain, neurons die.   

Activating your senses is the only way to "use" your entire brain.  Not playing crossword puzzles and brain teasers.  You need to stimulate your senses.
Vision is the #1 input to the brain and vision is a brain-wide event.  In other words, when you do vision training, you activate all the lobes of the brain in order to see and process what you see.  

The cool thing about sensory training is the neurology rule, "Neurons that lie together, fire together".  This means that as neurons die because of lack of fuel and/or activation, the dying neurons influence the ones next to it.  The good news is this lie together/fire together principle works the other way, too.

As you activate neurons through sensory input, the neurons positively influence the neurons next to it.     "Hey, I'm moving, move with me", said the vision neuron to the pain inhibitor neuron.  IN other words, when you activate the visual neurons, they activate neurons that turn off pain!

If you're in chronic pain, get your eyes moving.  

As for improving your balance, the eyes muscles are innervated by nerves that go directly into the brainstem; areas of the brainstem that affect posture and balance.  It's complicated but what you need to know is that training the eyes activates neurons that DIRECTLY influence upright posture and balance. 

The moral of this blog: 
"If you don't train the sensory systems, half of your brain is dying"~ Kelly Ward
If you want to move, stay balanced, prevent a fall, have great vision and live independently, you'll do drills to activate the most neglected and least understood part of the brain; your sensory cortex.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Simply neuroscience. Simply Fall Prevention.

If you can't explain is simply, you really don't understand it.  Albert Einstein.

Balance is complex.  Learning how to train it doesn't have to be.  As a Z-Health Neuro-Performance Coach, I am constantly trying to explain complex neuroscience and neuro-anatomy concepts in easy to understand phrases and analogies.

The science of neuroplasticity (any structural change in the brain to enhance performance so you will survive) is the science behind Z-Health.  I study the brain, both structure and function, and I am amazed at the results people (including myself) get when they activate underactive parts of the brain.

A guy in class asked me, why are we doing all this vision training?  I paused and explained the brainstem, cranial nerves, eye muscles and functional neuroanatomy in an easy to understand yet logical explanation.

A mentor of mine said study, study, study.  Write down potential questions and come up with a scientific explanation and an easy one.

My message today:  improving balance and preventing falls is not standing on one leg or following some outdated Balance Manual.  It's about training the muscles and senses involved in balance, particularly the brain's GPS system.

Keep it simple.  Train smart.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Time to try something new in fall prevention

Should we do what we've always done?  Maybe?  But, what if they way we had always done it was wrong?  Lee Cockrell, Creating Magic.

Great quote that every personal trainer, group exercise instructor and program coordinator should consider.  Things change.  Research studies unveil new methods that work and explain why old methods don't work. NOTHING IS FOREVER.

Unfortunately, government agencies only accept evidence-based programs for funding.  This is a disservice to older adults everywhere because by the time the program is approved, it's already outdated.  Newer, more efficient methods of balance training and fall prevention exist.

If you've been following the same program for years, or months and you're not getting results, it's time to try something new.  It's time to open your mind and do something different.

Change and growth occur outside of your comfort zone.  Brain-based training is the future of fitness.  Training your vision, inner ear and joint receptors are the future of training.  If your trainer isn't training your vision, ask why not.

I'm not a eye doctor but I am movement specialist.  Your eyes have muscles, six for each eye.  I train the eye muscles for better eye movement and better vision.  You will be amazed at the results you get when you learn how to move your eyes.

Time to try something new.
Brains and Balance Training with Coach Kelly
Balance Training 101 with Coach Kelly.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Science of Breathing for a Healthy Brain

A healthy brain needs two things; fuel and activation.  The two types of fuel your brain needs are glucose and oxygen.  You need to eat and breathe.  Eating for a healthy brain is an entirely different blog so in this post I'd like to talk about breathing, particularly carbon dioxide.

Growing up, we were taught to believe that oxygen is good and carbon dioxide is bad.  That's half true: carbon dioxide is also good.  In fact, carbon dioxide drives respiration.  Movement produces carbon dioxide.

This is not good news if you don't move.  If you don't move much, you're not producing carbon dioxide.  You're over breathing, meaning you're taking in too much oxygen, but without carbon dioxide, your cells cannot get the oxygen you need.   The oxygen gets stuck in the bloodstream.

In all simplicity, carbon dioxide is a messenger molecule.  It attaches to the oxygen molecule and takes it into the cell.  100% blood oxygen is NOT GOOD.  95-97% Oxygen saturation is good.

Here is an excellent article about carbon dioxide:  Science of Breathing. Truth about Carbon Dioxide

How to you increase carbon dioxide?  You move.  You exercise.  Nasal breathing. And most important, you bag breathe.  Not like you're hyperventilating but slow and controlled.  In a bag, 30 seconds, 3-4 times per day.

Just breathe.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

No One's Going To Do It For You!

My dad was tough.  Marines tough.  Brigadier General tough.  I remember playing him in tennis and he kicked my butt.  As I was rising to the top of my basketball game, he beat me.  No mercy.  It made me cry!  I don't know why but the fact that he played hard and beat me seemed unfair.  At the time.

I cried.  I was hurt.  After all, I was his daughter.  I was only visiting him since my parent's divorce and I was a good athlete.  Dad's are supposed to let their girl win.  Or at least that's what I must have thought.  But I'm here to tell you, he didn't give me any special treatment and it taught me that life isn't fair and you have to do the work if you want to benefit.   It made me a better player.  A full scholarship athlete. Thank you Dad.

You can't expect anyone to do the work for you.  In this day and age, you have to be your own advocate.  If you want better balance, you have got to put in work.  It's up to you to seek education classes and workshops that explain aging, balance and coordination as you age.  

If you have fallen down and you don't want to fall again, it's up to you find a balance class that gets you results.  IN order to get results you have to face the frustrations, make the mistakes and re-learn how to move correctly.                    
As you teach your brain to move again, you will have the 'why won't you do what I'm telling you' conversation with your body parts.  Your brain can forget how to move a body part if you don't move it regularly.  Practice makes perfect and perfect practice gets results.  

You can rewire your brain for better movement, better balance and less pain.  The science of neuroplasticity proves it.  I have invested to become a brain-based movement re-educator that focuses on brain activation for better movement, balance and vision.    It works.....if you work it.  

Nothing comes easy.  Anything worth having is worth working for.  Practice makes perfect.  You've got to put in the work to get the results.  Join me in one of my brain-based fall prevention classes or sit in on one of my dynamic educational workshops.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Balance Alert: If nothing has worked, it's time to try something new

Falls are a major concern among older adults and as baby boomers get older, falls are an increasing threat to their safety, independence and well-being.  If you're reading this and you're over the age of 60, it's better for you to be diagnosed with cancer than it is to fall down unexpectedly.

Falls are the leading cause of death and non-fatal injury for people over age 65.  In other words, if you're of mature age and unexpectedly come to rest on the ground, you could severely and permanently injure yourself or worse yet, even die if you hit your head.

Another growing problem is if you fall,  you might be stuck on the floor until someone finds you.  A reported 47% of people  over age 65 who fall cannot get up from the floor without assistance. This is frightening!  If you live alone and accidentally trip over your cat, you might be stuck on the floor for hours or days until someone finds you and can help you get up.

I'm not here to scare you but these are the hard facts.  People fall.  People can't get up.  Older people fall and break bones.  They hit their head.  For this reason, people over age 65 are URGED TO JOIN balance training and fall prevention classes, especially if you live alone!

Unfortunately, most balance classes aren't teaching you how to improve your balance.  Yes, you can side step and maybe even stand on one leg but what about your vision?  Can you feel when you're about to lose your balance?   Do you know how to react when you are losing your balance?  How do you get up from the floor?  Can you walk steady?  ARE you able to stop suddenly without losing your balance?

As a fall prevention specialist for over 15 years and a brain-based therapist,  I'm here to tell you that if you're not training your vision and activating the inner ear balance system, your balance will only improve so much.  The"Balance Manual" will NOT help you.

If you've tried everything and still feel unbalanced, I urge you to join my 4-week Brains and Balance Training with Coach Kelly class.  IF you can stand on one foot for 30 seconds but still feel dizzy when you turn your head, you need my class.  If you can do 20 chair stands or march in place for 2 minutes but still don't know when you're losing your balance (aka, falling), you need my training program.

I respect senior fitness trainers who teach strength, balance and flexibility skills three times a week.  The ones who tell you to stand up straight, throw your shoulders back and even have you stand on one leg.  They're training ONE component of balance; your proprioceptive system.

Newsflash:  There are three body systems involved in balance.  If you've tried every 'movement' drill possible and your balance isn't what you want, it's time to try something new.

Brain-based training is the future of fitness.  I am certified, trained and experienced in teaching you how to train the three body systems of balance and movement.  The systems your brain relies on to move safely through life.

2019.  It's time to transform your balance.  If you've tried everything and nothing works, it's time to try something new.  2019.  It's time to try something new.

I've invested in my continuing education so it's time you invest in yourself.
4 weeks.  8 sessions.  $125 per person.  Older adults only.