Friday, April 18, 2008

Fall Prevention Easter Tip

Prevention is the key to a long, safe life. We all know that. It's been said, it's been studied, it's been proven time and time again: Eat healthy and stay active. However, as modern day conveniences and genetically modified foods replace God-intended movement and God-created nutrition, our society is fatter than ever and subsequently, unhealthier than ever. In other words, obesity and Type 2 diabetes are reaching epidemic proportions.
As the Fall Prevention Lady, I offer practical, healthful living tips intended to reduce your risk of a fall. From my observations and research, the truly resilient elders do exactly that: they eat simple (healthy) foods and stay active. It's amazing but when a person listens to his body's natural cravings, he not only eats healthy but also nutritious.
For example, a senior I once cared for always ate apples and bananas. Every day: apples and bananas.

  • Apples have natural fiber
  • bananas are an excellent source of potassium.
This same senior drank more milk than anyone I have ever known.
  • Milk is one of the best sources of calcium and is an essential Fall Prevention nutrient because calcium helps maintain strong bones.
Look at her diet: fruits and dairy. Nothing man-made, all natural, very simple, very healthy.
I observed the eating habits of another elder and found his diet just as insightful. He craved eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. Does it get any healthier than that for breakfast? Not in my opinion. Protein from the egg mixed with the slow burning complex carbohydrates from the oatmeal are exactly what a person needs to start the day, stay energized and reduce cravings. This same individual managed his Type 2 diabetes without medication by eating healthy and walking around his house with his walker. Diet and exercise.

Easter Fall Prevention tip is this: stay active and listen to your body's natural cravings. We are creatures of habit and usually eat the same 15 foods, day in/day out. That routine is fine as long as the foods are nutritious. Try to mix a protein (think eyes or scales) with a complex carbohydrate (fruit, vegetable, or unprocessed grain) at every meal.
And we can't forget about the bunny this glorious day, so I say eat your carrots!!! I like my carrots slightly steamed but go easy on the dip if you eat them raw.
  • Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene and Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin A is necessary for good vision
Happy Easter. He is risen.