Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fall Prevention professionals please give credit when due; it's only write

I've written about PLAGIARISM before and I will continue to write about it because USING PEOPLE'S WORK WITHOUT CITING THEIR HARD WORK or so much as mentioning their name in the article is something that bothers me.   It's disappointing when people claim to be "professionals" and stoop to these low levels.

As a health professional who researched and wrote a 121-page thesis for my graduate degree and applied years of hands-on experience to write "The Complete Guide to Fall Prevention", I have been taught to CITE SOURCES OF INFORMATION.   It's professional.  It's the law.  It's called integrity.

Unfortunately, there are unprofessionals who think it's fine to "use" seminar titles, philosophical approaches and workshop content without so much as saying, "I learned this from so and so, or "The Fall Prevention Lady spoke about this...", etc.

In the Fall Prevention world, the message is the same; we all want to prevent falls in our aging population.  All I'm asking is that these different "messengers" stand up and cite their sources.   As for me, I will continue to openly cite the sources of information when I give workshops and train-the-trainer workshops.  It's only write.