Saturday, November 17, 2007

Let me introduce myself....

Hi, my name is KELLY and I am the Fall Prevention lady. I want to first introduce myself and then explain why you need to ready my blog.

In 1993, I received a B.S. in Public Health Education from West Chester University located in West Chester, Pennsylvania after completing my intern project, "Come Alive at 55", with the Chester County Health Department. Come Alive was an activity-oriented approach to the prevention of diease and disability for adults over the age of 55.

This field of study developed my PREVENTION-based philosophy, emphasizing the prevention of a crisis rather than treatment of the disease. Our life is determined by our choices and the quality of our health is a direct reflection of the quality of those choices. For example, if you make healthy choices, you are more likely to be healthy. If you neglect or abuse your body, you are more likely to become weak and vulnerable, increasing your risk of disease, disability, accidents and even death.

In 2005, I received a Masters level Certificate of Gerontology from California State University at Sacramento after completing my internship project, "Take 5 to Exercise", with the Area 4 Agency on Aging. Take 5 is a prevention-based approach that emphasizes consistent movement, stretching, and strengthening to reduce the incidence of falls among seniors.
I am passionate about my work with the elderly and get thrilled when I see the positive impact that basic movement has not only on their body but also the quality of their life.

We all have parents and like us, they are aging except the physical changes that occur after the age of 65 have a substantial impact on one's quality of life and ability to function, not to mention one's independence.
For instance, if your 75-year old mother falls, she is more likely to break her hip than you or I. IF she breaks her hip, and has to go into the hospital, she is at an increased risk of catching pneumonia or encountering some other type of secondary complication that can result in permanent placement in a skilled nursing facility or even death.

As a Gerontologist, I have studied the aging process and I want to express to you that although falls are associated with aging, they are not a natural part of growing older. The good news is falls can be prevented through consistent participation in flexibility, strengthening, and balance routines.

And there is more good news….I am also a Certified Personal Fitness trainer who specializes in senior fitness, specifically FALL PREVENTION. In addition to being certified by NASM, AFAA and the American Senior Fitness Association, I work with the City of Sacramento’s 50 Plus Wellness program teaching group exercise classes in Fall Prevention. The average age of my participants is 83!

Throughout my research and program implementation, I have found that the older participant’s body improves tremendously and it doesn’t take grueling exercise sessions to see the benefits. Thus, I have designed and developed a series of seated stretching and strengthening routines called TAKE 5 TO EXERCISE for those who want to decrease their risk of a fall.

DVD 1 is currently being produced.
Stay tuned for more from the Fall Prevention Lady!!!

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