Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Boomer-itis and fall prevention

I read an article about it before and since my mother has officially reached Baby Boomer status, I would like to spread the news. Boomeritis is a disease that affects people 50 and older, basically the baby boomer generation we hear so much about these days.
So what is boomeritis? Boomeritis is characterized by the nagging pains that have developed in your knees, back, and hands. It is the inflammation that immediately sets in after bouts of exercise. It is the aching that doesn't go away but now remains more constant. It is the tendonitis, bursitis, all the -itis that you never had before!
Unfortunately, boomeritis not only affects the baby boomers! Heck, as a 41 year old athlete, I'm beginning to feel it, too. I know lots of people my age that complain after doing some exercise or strenuous movment. Basically, boomeritis is a sign that we are not as young as we used to be. It takes longer to recover from the workouts and you are more sore after increased effort (ok, ok, that's just me lately but it does take more time to bounce back).
In order to combat this boomeritis, we need to longer warm up and cool down times. Longer recovery time may require an extra day between workouts but nothing AND I MEAN NOTHING, beats consistent movement. Take 5 to Exercise is a new approach to seated exercise routines and was developed to encourage daily movement in order to reduce the risk of a fall. Staying active not only reduces fall risk but also improves quality of life.
As we age, we need to devote MORE time to flexibility and strengthening exercises but unfortunately, we don't spend as much time caring for our body as we should.
Make the time, you're worth it: Take 5 to Exercise.

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