Thursday, October 1, 2009

Leisure-time activity and fall prevention

Studying to become a certified therapeutic recreation specialist, I am learning about leisure and the importance of a satisfying leisure lifestyle. What one person values as leisure is entirely different from the next person. Leisure activities are highly individualistic and what reflect the values of an individual. I value my health so my leisure-time activities involve exercise. However, I also enjoy traveling. Due to my college-student income (or lack thereof), finances have a direct impact on the leisure activities I can enjoy.
For most, the leisure lifestyle is synonymous with the lifestyles of the rich and famous. That is the ideal; houses, boats, jets, beaches, relaxing, doing nothing. However, leisure is more than that. It can be half an hour of free time spent listening to the birds. Leisure can be playing cards with your friends or drinking a beer while watching the football game. People have different values thus people have different leisure lifestyles.
During the industrial revolution, our society valued work and the puritan work ethic. Times have changed and thanks to technology, a person doesn't have to work as hard or as long to pay the bills in order to exist. As the baby boomers retire and are forced with excessive amounts of 'free-time', people need to reconsider their leisure philosophy. The time is earned, you deserve it, what are you going to do with it? Enjoy it and feel good about your leisure. Think about what you value.
If you value your independence and your health, it would behoove you to incorporate consistent activity into your daily routine. Leisure-time activities such as following along with your favorite fall risk reduction exercise instructor (ME!), walking with friends, challenging your balance, strengthening your muscles and making the time to Take 5 to Exercise will help keep you independent and living the life you want. Freedom of choice is an essential component of leisure; a person cannot be forced to something leisurely and enjoy it.
Take the time to connect with your body and mind as you follow along with my exercise videos for seniors. Learn as you grow. It's never too late.
At your leisure,
The Fall Prevention Lady

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