Saturday, April 17, 2010

FAB clinic at Shiloh Baptist Church in South Sacramento

I was referred to Debra Johnson through Jackie, program assistant @ 50+ Wellness program to do some fall prevention screening in order to increase awareness of the importance of prevention. Debra agreed to let me conduct the Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale testing on her class. On two separate days, I assessed 18 of Debra's class of older African American God-loving participants!!!
For the most part, these ladies and two gentlemen did great on the Fullerton Advanced Balance scale and overall, are not at an increased risk of falling. However, four of the 18 community dwelling older adults FAB score indicated those individuals to be at an increased fall risk.
In a 15-minute FAB score group summary, I stressed the importance of consistent lower body strengthen exercises, daily range of motion and flexibility movements, and balance training; particularly center of gravity training.

Poor dynamic center of gravity control was a recurring theme from this group's test score interpretations and this is not uncommon. Most older adults are not aware of "core" training and have no idea what their center of gravity is or where it is located! This type of multi-sensory training is a vital component of the FallProof™ balance and mobility training program.

It was not the intention for me to educate or demonstrate any type of fall prevention exercises so I didn't have the opportunity to educate this wonderful group of people about this fall related concept. Perhaps class instructor Debra Johnson will ask me back to work with her ( I do offer a train the trainer program) or to lead one or two classes.

If not, I thoroughly enjoyed working with my sisters and brothers from Shiloh Bapist Church and look forward to FAB testing older adults throughout the Sacramento region and teaching fall prevention exercises.... increasing awareness about how important it is to Take 5 to Exercise every day to reduce the risk of a fall.

Praise the Lord,
The Fall Prevention Lady

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