Monday, February 14, 2011

Challenge yourself, no matter what age...

I have been substitute teaching a senior fitness class for nearly 12 weeks. The group meets twice a week to Exercise, Energize and Enjoy movement and let me tell you, I push this group! These older adults live independently in the community, do not require assistive devices for mobility and are committed to maintaining their independence.

What started as a "fall prevention" class has evolved into personal fitness training at the group level; aka, group exercise! This "senior fitness" class is similar to most group exercise class at the local community center but because I am highly trained in the area of fall risk reduction exercises, I challenge participant's balance using research-based techniques. There is a method to my madness, a scientifically-based approach, to the content of my classes. I follow evidence-based progression of movements and due to my experience as a personal fitness trainer, I have a plethora of exercises to choose from each day.

It's a rainy, cold Monday here in Sacramento. I told the 15 participants who were in class today that the workouts that count the most are the ones you really don't want to be there for, the one you wanted to miss, the day it would have been easier to stay at home. And because today is Valentine's Day, I pushed them extra hard in anticipation of the Whitman samplers and See's candy that would be consumed later!

What is exciting is that members are starting to approach me with testimonies of improvement as a direct result of my class. As a fall prevention exercise instructor, I encourage stretching, strengthening and balance work. The group increases endurance levels with each repetition of each set. As fitness levels have improved, the exercises have simultaneously progressed to a more challenging level. At 91 and the oldest member of the group, Blanche doesn't miss a beat and is a true inspiration to the rest of the group, including me!

Today's testimony was that participating in my class has improved one member's golf game and her golf swing has increased dramatically. Take 5 to Exercise to stretch, strengthen, challenge your balance and increase your endurance levels to reduce fall risk and to improve your golf game!
Life is good with movement in it.

The Fall Prevention Lady

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