Friday, August 23, 2013

Evidence-based Tai Chi Moving for Better Balance program

Thanks to the California Department of Public Health and the San Mateo County Fall Prevention Task Force, I am now "certified" in the evidence-based Tai Chi Moving for Better Balance (TCMBB) program that has been demonstrated to prevent falls by as much as 55% when a person follows the program.  Woo-hoo!

I thoroughly enjoyed the two-day training with Master Instructor, Robert Nations, from San Diego.  He is a wonderful teacher who really knows the art of Tai Chi.  He patiently taught the group of 13 insstructors from San Mateo, Contra Costa, and Santa Clara county eight basic moves that are demonstrated to PREVENT FALLS by as much as 55% when done regularly.

Tai Chi is an art form that requires practice.  Lots of it.  Because the benefits are slow and progressive and basically directly related to the amount you practice, a lot of people give up because we're all expecting INSTANT results.  This isn't instant!  It takes practice!

I enjoyed the training and feel confident that with practice, I will be teaching the program to (willing) older adults in two or three months.   Hallejulah!

The Fall Prevention Lady

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