Saturday, May 14, 2016

This balance training class is a "god-send".....

I just started a 4-week balance and mobility training session at Fit4U in Carmichael and this is one of the most vivacious group of participants ever.  Don't get me wrong; there are people people with significant balance challenges but the overall attitude of the group is outstanding and the socialization and laughter is enlightening.

One participant stayed after class the other day and thanked me for what I do and said that this class was an absolute "God-send" to her since she has been falling frequently lately.  She is a young 70s and has a health history that has left her with left-side neglect.  This neuromuscular imbalance has predictably affected her ability to stay upright.

However after only two classes, she feels more centered, more balanced and confident that her body is responding to these exercises.  She is absolutely correct; FallProof™ is balance-specific, multi-sensory training designed to keep the ambulatory ambulatory through repetitive exercises that increase strength, flexibility and reaction times, improve posture and walking gaits while increasing total body awareness resulting in increased balance confidence and decreased fall risk.

I am blessed to have the opportunity to offer FallProof™ balance training session at both the beginner and intermediate level at Fit4U fitness studio on a regular basis.  As of now, Beginner classes are offered Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10:30a-noon.  The next class begins on June 14th.

I am offering a pilot intermediate class to be held Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1-2pm.  The first intermediate class will be from Monday, May 16th-Wednesday, May 25th.  The only requirement is that attendees have attended the four or six-week beginner session taught by me within the last 2 years.  This is not a drop-in when convenient class, these are progressively challenging balance training classes that build on concepts taught each week.

Remember; balance is a motor skill that improves with practice.  Keep practicing.  Get out, see old friends, meet new ones and stay on your feet!  Register today:  Call me or email me directly at

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