Thursday, February 23, 2017

At age 59, it's better to get a cancer diagnosis than to fall!

Last month I attended Perform Better's One-Day Conference in South San Francisco.  Four icons in the fitness industry (Gray Cook, Dan John, Todd Durkin and Martin Rooney) presented one-hour lectures to an auditorium full of movement specialists, personal trainers, physical therapists, massage therapists and athletes in the morning and put four teams of us through an exercise component in the afternoon.

Dan John, a renowned Lifting and Throwing Coach, immediately caught my attention when he said,
 "As a 59 year old man, it's better for me to be diagnosed with cancer than it is for me to fall"!

Statistically, he's right!!!  According to the CDC:
  • 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 and one-half of those over 80 will fall this year
  • Falls are leading cause of death and injury in people over 65
  • 99% of hip fractures are due to falls
  • 20% of people who break a hip will die within two years
  • Over half will need assistance in one or more activities of daily living the rest of their life
Wow!  As an oral cancer survivor, I know the horrific pain of radiation.  However three years after my treatment ended, the memory of the pain is starting to dull and I am blessed to say my life is not significantly different now than before having cancer.  I can only say this because I worked out everyday during treatment and after six months of presentations and staff trainings, I took a six-month hiatus to rest, recover and routinely build muscle and self-confidence.  

If I was twenty or thirty years older (69 or 79, respectively), tripped, fell and broke my right hip while walking on the sidewalk, statistically the fall would have a greater impact on my life than cancer did.  

I'd like you to think about this for awhile.  A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Think about investing in your future by investing in your balance today.  

The tips and techniques that I teach in my balance and movement classes, will stick with you for the rest of your life.  Your self-confidence will blossom as your balance improves.  
I. N.V. E. S. T.  in Y.O.U!

I offer a dynamic one-time workshop that will help you better understand balance and how aging and exercise impact your independence.  Remember that movement is LIFE.

I also offer the best balance training program for older adults.  FallProof™ is a progressively challenging program that systematically trains the muscles and senses involved in balance.  Definitely not your average 'senior center fall prevention class'.

Visit my website for more information.  THE FALL PREVENTION LADY 
Follow my page on Facebook:  THE FALL PREVENTION LADY on Facebook

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