Friday, August 16, 2019

3-Step "How to Get-UP" from the floor

Falls are scary for older adults.  The older we get, the more fragile we become.  Most of us don't think about falls but when it happens to you, it's humbling.  A fall to the ground shouldn't hurt.  I should be able to bounce up and get on with my life like no-one saw it.

Unfortuately that's not the way it happens.  When a person over 60 falls, it hurts.  The hurt stays longer than expected.  The ankle takes months to heal and the shoulder still hurts years later.

In most cases,  it's not the fall that is the problem; it's getting up from the floor AFTER the fall!  In fact, nearly half of people who fall cannot get up without assistance.  WHAT????

Nearly half of people over age 65 
can't get up from the floor without help! 

This is a limiting factor in activities of daily life.  Just imagine not being able to get up without help.  That totally limits the type of movement you can do in a day.  You better not drop anything on the floor.  Forget getting down to play with your grandkids.......

Wait.  That's not what retirement is supposed to look like.  You've worked hard your entire life so you can enjoy time with the grandkiddos or on your own.  Freedom to get up and down from the floor should be yours.

As a personal trainer and movement re-educator, I specialize in teaching mature adults how to move their body weight both on the floor and standing, so they can live the life they deserve.

Teaching a person how to move his/her body so they can get up from the floor is probably the best skill I can teach.

Below I show you an option for getting up in case there's not a chair.  

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