Monday, January 27, 2020

New Brain Cells. New YOU.

Neurogenesis.  Your brain produces new cells everyday.  In fact, your nervous system makes new neurons (basic cell of the nervous system) well into the ninth decade of life.   What does this mean to you?  You can change the way you move, your balance and your thoughts no matter how old or young you are.

Here's the catch; these new neurons need to be stimulated or they will die.  You have to do something to keep them alive.  The way to stimulate new neurons is to make new memories and learn new skills.

What does that look like for you?

  1. Get out of your comfort zone.  We are creatures of habit.  We do the same things everyday, we eat the same foods every week.   Try something new.  Go a different route to the store.  Walk a different direction around the track.  Try a new restaurant.  
  2. TURN OFF THE AUTO-PILOT.  Quit going through life without being present.  People go to the gym and do the same routine with the same weights week in, week out.  They are not thinking about their breath, or their body    We are in one place physically but mentally, you're worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.  Be present.   
  3. Learn new skills.  It's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.  Learn how to move your body in ways you've never imagined.  Learn a new language.  Take an art class.  Learn how to dance.  Gain control of your body through specific joint mobility drills.
In my Brains and Balance classes, you will do all three things necessary to stimulate newly formed neurons.  An added benefit from the sensory and motor skills you will learn in class is the ability to change the way your brain is wired; improve what you already have.  This is called Neuroplasticity.   

Stay tuned for my next blog about Neuroplasticity; the science of hope and the future of fitness and key to a fulfilling, engaged life. 

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