Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hydration and Fall Prevention...

101 degrees in May. Unseasonably hot. Unfortunately, this hot spell fell on the first annual Citrus Heights Senior Health Fair. As a result, the overall turn out and opportunity to educate seniors about the importance of exercise as a part of a Fall Prevention program was limited.

Thankfully, the excellent staff set up my Take 5 to Exercise Fall Prevention booth in an air conditioned room b/c they know about the importance of staying cool, staying hydrated and not overexerting yourself when exercising, especially if older adults are exercising.
I wanted to rename my booth, Take 5 Daily Waters because water is vital to your well being. Our muscles are 70% water so if you don't Take 5 Daily Waters, your body will be running low on water, and you won't have much energy.

If you don't drink enough water, you will be tired. In most cases, it is easier on your liver and kidneys if you stay hydrated, especially if you take prescription medicine. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the medicines you are taking and how Taking 5 Daily Waters will affect you.

If you would like to see one of my live presentations, please feel free to contact me to discuss arrangements at:

Be sure to make the time each day to Take 5 to Exercise and try to Take 5 Daily Waters everyday, especially throughout the upcoming hot summer months. You will feel better and have more energy as a result of healthy choices.

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