Sunday, June 13, 2010

Senior Fitness Testing in Sacramento...

" You're guessing if you're not assessing"- Paul Chek.

Life events and individual physical abilities greatly influence the way we move and the pain we feel each day. The daily choices a person makes also affects physical capability. The result: everyone ages differently. Rikli and Jones' Senior Fitness Test assesses the five physical parameters relevant to functional fitness:
  • Muscular strength
  • Aerobic endurance
  • Flexibility (upper and lower-body)
  • Agility/dynamic balance
  • Body mass index
Test results of the Senior Fitness Test reflect age-related changes in physical performance because test results are categorized to gender and age. This is a great way to see how you are aging in relation to adults in your same age group.
Saturday morning, I was up early to administer the SFT to my group of seniors at Atria El Camino Gardens. I "influenced" attendance with donuts so with an assorted dozen, I tested 10 adults over the age of 80. I had originally tested this group last year and wanted to re-test to measure progress or regression after a year of consistent FallProof™-style balance and mobility training.
Although I only see this group once a week, I encourage consistent practice. In other words, Take 5 to Exercise each day! Evelyn attributes her heart health to consistent practice, Harold and Marie attribute the fall risk reduction techniques I teach to helping him manage his Parkinson's Disease, Thelma bounced back from a second stroke and has more drive than ever to make the time to exercise and Dr. and Mrs. Wu push themselves each week despite language barriers, cognitive and physical challenges.
Fall prevention exercises and balance challenges are not a one-size fits all. Beware of online marketing schemes that tell you otherwise. Try to find a local exercise class or an evidence-based DVD program.
My Take 5 to Exercise series is based on Dr. Rose's FallProof™ program and stresses the basics: the importance of flexibility, strength, good posture and maintaining the major joints and muscles. The results from the fitness testing I have done on my group at Atria support my program: it works. (Individual results to follow).

So there it is, get assessed, get moving and get re-assessed to chart your progress. You will improve! Stick with it and Take 5 to Exercise every day!
The Fall Prevention Lady

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