Friday, October 22, 2010

Exercise is the best medicine

Humans are continually looking for instantaneous gratification, the quick fix, or the miracle pill to ease our pains, help us lose weight and provide the eternal fountain of youth. In today's society, medical doctors and big advertising and pharmaceutical companies nurture this human desire with breakthrough cures that are available in the shape of a pill.

While I thoroughly appreciate scientific research and development, I have discovered through extensive research and personal experience that a living a healthy lifestyle and enjoying a quality life requires work. The answer doesn't come in a pill. Instead, take a little sweat and lots of stretching, some self-discipline and daily healthy choices and the payoff is evident.

I am collecting data for my fall prevention exercise research study and I heard another testimony of this truth the other day while assessing one of the study participants. This lady told me that she has not been to her doctor since starting the FallProof™ at Home DVD balance and mobility program and that she has never felt better. She proceeded to say that the exercises have helped her more than any medication that has been prescribed by her doctor.

This was absolute music to my ears since we live in a society where the cost of medication is escalating beyond comprehension. The answer to remaining independent is not found in a pill but by staying active. Following a consistent exercise program that is designed to improve gait and mobility through strengthening and stretching activities has been found to be the most effective way to reduce the risk of fall (Lord et al, 2001)(Rubenstein, 2006).

Since exercise is the best medicine for staying independent, get your ePill in the form of Take 5 to Exercise DVD series or the FallProof™ at Home DVD series. Take 5 to Exercise is a 5-day senior exercise video series that is done while seated. This beginner level DVD program is a great educational tool that not only encourages proper form and movement but also the reasoning how the different types of exercises can reduce fall risk.

The FallProof™ at Home DVD balance and mobility program is great for independent older adults because the progressively challenging balance activities are done while standing. This 3-series DVD program challenges the body systems involved in balance and provide helpful postural tips and strategies.

Whatever you do, get active! Find a program that you enjoy, one that encourages multisensory balance training, strengthening and endurance activities and flexibility exercises. Progress the exercises gradually and watch the need for medication gradually decline!!! Give it a shot...your body will thank you and so will your wallet.

In research,
The Fall Prevention Lady

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