Saturday, June 18, 2011

Prior faller uses step strategy and prevents another fall

A student in my advanced FallProof™ balance and mobility class shared the one of the greatest success stories in class and I had to share it with you.....On Friday, Joyce explained how she used the step strategy that we have been practicing in class to regain her balance and saved herself from a fall! She grinned ear to ear as she recalled side stepping to recover her balance and said that she would have fallen if she had not learned the step strategy and even though her right leg is weaker, she stepped out in a timely manner and was able to regain her balance. YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY Joyce!

This highly educated woman is in her mid-70s, lives alone in the community and is concerned about falling. She's concerned for good reason....she tripped and fell last summer, fracturing her pelvis. Determined to regain her strength, she excelled in physical therapy. After a speedy recovery, she wanted to improve her balance skills and gain self-confidence. Having attended two of my fall prevention workshops, she was familiar with the FallProof™ balance and mobility techniques and she immediately registered for the 4-week beginner class. She continued on with the twice a week training at the intermediate level and is now in the advanced FallProof™ class that I teach!

Research indicates that a person who falls is 3 times more likely to fall again however this lady took an active role in her recovery and was determined to sharpen her balance skills, build strength and improve flexibility in order to prevent another fall. I am so proud of her for coming to class each week, pushing herself out of her comfort zone by practicing "scary" moves in a safe manner and mostly, for sticking with it!

FallProof™ works. The balance and mobility training techniques are evidence-based and can prevent a fall when practiced consistently. Take responsibility for your well-being! Find a certified FallProof™ instructor and start training your balance systems. If there is not a specialist near you, start with the basics by doing seated exercises to strengthen your body and follow gentle stretching routines designed to improve range of motion. Order my Take 5 to Exercise DVDs to get started today.

Once again....YAY JOYCE!

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