Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The "F" word

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I have a rule that we don't say the "F" word in my class. The "F" word I'm talking about is "Fall". As a balance and mobility specialist, I like to keep things on the positive so we try to 'avoid losing our balance" and practice 'regaining our balance' through progressively challenging, evidence-based training methods that work when you work them.

Unfortunately, I teach some balance training concepts in class that I don't feel confident having people do at home. Thus, Dr. Rose developed the three-level, progressively challenging FallProof™ at Home (FAH) DVD series to supplement the balance and mobility training done in community-based classes. I urge participants in my 4-week session to follow along with FAH, Level 1 at least 2 times a week in addition to attending class twice a week.

In addition to the FallProof™ at Home DVD, I suggest that participants Take 5 to Exercise each day. Take 5 to Exercise is a seated stretching and strengthening exercise series with 5 different routines. Each routine is different and focuses on a different fall prevention exercise component; flexibility, strength, posture, and maintenance exercises.

The Take 5 to Exercise routine looks like this:
Day 1: Take 5 for Flexibility
Day 2: Take 5 for Strength, using a resistance band
Day 3: Take 5 for Posture
Day 4: Take 5 for Strength, using resistance band and soup cans or light dumbbells
Day 5: Take 5 for Maintenance

Whatever you do, make exercise a regular part of your routine if you want to remain independent. And don't say the "F" word!

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