Sunday, July 21, 2013

My goal: Maintain what I've got!

I am a balance and mobility specialist and I teach older adults how to not fall down.  I offer educational presentations and teach balance training classes in the community. One the first day of my small group classes, we talk about past experiences and what each person hopes to get out the class.  I also perform fitness assessments associated with fall risk.  When I work one-on-one with someone, I have them list three fitness goals they hope to accomplish with me.

Setting goals is a characteristic of successful people, especially when starting a fitness program.  It helps to set one or two big goals and several small steps along the way. This will help keep you motivated when times are tough and remind you of why you're doing these exercises!   

As we get age, the risk of being diagnosed with a chronic disease increases significantly.  In fact, the CDC estimates that one in two, or 50%, of people over the age live with at least one chronic illness (CDC, 2009).   This is alarming when you think of the number of people reaching the 65+ status and the cost of medical care and drug prescriptions needed for many chronic diseases.

Some diseases are progressively degenerative meaning the ability to function will get increasingly more difficult.   Aging is a progressively degenerative process if you don't exercise.   We can slow the aging process and MAINTAIN what we have by staying active.

I reassess my class members in the same fitness tests on the last day of class.  I have seen major improvements in at least one if not all three tests.  I remind everyone that improvement is fantastic but it's also great to maintain what you have, especially those living with a progressively degenerative disease. 

Let's maintain what you have!  Get active and stay focused on the goal!
In Fitness,
The Fall Prevention Lady

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