Friday, April 4, 2014

Kisco Senior LIving offers comprehensive fall risk reduction training for Wellness Directors

Investing in your staff is one of the best ways to improve your resident's quality of life. 

A company that wants to offer residents one of the best fall risk reduction programs in the country will proudly have Wellness Directors attend The Fall Prevention Lady's comprehensive training that teaches research-based fall prevention principles and demonstrates evidence-based balance exercises proven to reduce the risk of falls when done consistently. 

Kisco Senior Living is that forward thinking senior living company who realizes the severity of falls among their residents and wants to invest in their staff so everyone is one the same page and working to reduce the incidence of falls.  As such, they developed the 'STAND STRONG" fall risk reduction program. 

Although STAND STRONG  involves all teams in Kisco, the Wellness Team plays a vital role in the physical well-being of each resident.  As such,  two Wellness Directors from each community went to The Fall Prevention Lady's Train-the-Trainer workshop to learn about aging, balance, falls and how to reduce the risk of falls.

EDUCATE.  The first step in a fall prevention program is leaning what causes a person to fall.  Wellness directors listened and shared opinions as the different types of fall risk factors were discussed.  The Fall Prevention Lady's "Muscles and Senses" approach to falls made it easy to understand some of the underlying causes of falls, especially if undetected.

DEMONSTRATE.  Once the wellness member gathered information about a resident, it's time to plan an intervention.  Since staying active is the number one way to prevent a fall, evidence-based balance and evidence-based strengthening exercises were demonstrated and practiced.   This was a skills-based workshop and every attendee was expected to demonstrate a minimal competency level as an instructor in order to pass.

FACILITATE.  Once the staff was trained how to assess a resident and implement a balance and strengthening exercise routine, she/he must keep the resident doing the program!  Adherence to a fall prevention program is critical if the goal of reduced falls incidence is to be met.  Different methods to motivate residents to stick with the program were discussed and adherence charts were given out. 

STAND STRONG is a new program and like all new programs, there will be some revisions and modifications along the way.  However, the fundamentals of this program will make Kisco Senior Living STAND OUT because Kisco now offers a service that no other communities offer. 

 In addition to offering most recent, evidence-based practices demonstrated to reduce falls, Kisco staff members are thoroughly trained in the identification of fall risks, comprehensive assessment of resident circumstances and the planning and implementation of a fall prevention exercise program that is individualized to meet resident needs and progressively challenging to help a resident meet her/his goals.   

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