Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ASA's Annual Conference in San Diego

Here I am in San Diego for the American Society on Aging's Annual Conference.  This year's theme is "Aging in America".  I love conferences because you have access to the best in the field and there is so much to do that the hardest part is deciding which workshop to attend!

In addition to expert keynote speakers, there are dynamic leaders hosting general sessions and 60-minute workshops.   Innovative researchers display their work on poster boards and big companies exhibit their products in the exhibitor hall.

As the older adult population explodes, it is a well-known fact that providers need to collaborate in order to meet the changing needs of the boomers.  Competitors are now partners and sharing best practices is helpful to everyone, including the client.  Tonight there are roundtable discussions to promote the exchange of ideas to better serve our aging clients.

I will be hosting the "Muscles and Senses; Fall Prevention 101" roundtable discussion to help providers build their own community-based fall prevention concierge or a group of professionals to have as referrals when needed.   Fall Prevention researchers have demonstrated that one must take a "multifactorial" approach to the prevention of falls.  In other words, eliminate as many fall risk factors as possible is the best way to remain safe.  I hope to educate about fall risk factors and then brainstorm with the group about possible partners and connections for older adults.

I have said it before and I'll say it again; "It takes a village to raise a child but it takes a community to prevent a fall".  I hope that tonight's roundtable discussion promotes community collaboration and partnerships. 

The Fall Prevention Lady
Kelly Ward

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