Monday, October 26, 2015

Stay on your feet for the HOLIDAYS!!!

Believe it or not, there are only eight (8) Fridays until Christmas!  That means it's time to go shopping and face the crowds.  The older we get, the scarier big crowds become since people don't pay attention to where they're going and most of the time there are kids running around like wild animals.   Not a good combination for someone who's balance 'isn't what it used to be'....

DON'T FEAR!  You have plenty of time to improve your balance skills and get "FallProof™'ed for the holidays!  Certified balance and mobility specialist and national public speaker, Kelly Ward, aka, The Fall Prevention Lady,  is offering educational workshops and condensed balance training sessions designed to keep you on your feet and to fit anyone's busy schedule.

Avoid a fall this holiday season.  First line of defense:  learn what's causing your imbalance.  Second, practice evidence-based balance training techniques designed to prevent falls and thirdly,  learn life-saving tips that you will use long after the holiday rush.

How can you stay balanced?  Simply join Sacramento's own "Fall Prevention Lady" for one of her dynamic "Fall Prevention 101™" workshops followed by her new "Balance Training 101™"exercises classes.   Learn what causes falls and then learn how to improve your balance.   Kelly teaches physical therapy training techniques that you can modify to fit your fitness level and unique challenges.

You must attend the educational workshop (Fall Prevention 101) to attend the ninety-minute Balance Training 101 exercise class.  If you want to continue taking classes to improve your balance, Kelly is offering both two-week and four-week FallProof™ balance training sessions at Parkside Community Church.  

Please visit Kelly's website, THE FALL PREVENTION LADY.COM under local schedule to find out where she will be offering these life-saving classes.

Classes start in November and early December!  Invest in yourself this holiday and give yourself the gift of balance.   You deserve it and remember, be good to yourself so you can be good to those you love.

Happy Holidays.  Already!
The Fall Prevention Lady

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