Thursday, October 29, 2015

FallProof™ balance training improves coordination after a stroke

I teach FallProof™ balance and mobility classes throughout the Sacramento area and I currently have several class participants who are living life after a stroke.  Because the program I teach trains both the muscles and senses, some exercises can be especially challenging for these individuals due to motor sensory deficits.

Determined, these participants push themselves to do the exercises when the body doesn't respond as efficiently as it once did.  Dedicated, these participants are focused on getting the body to function like it once did.  Having had to learn to walk again after a near fatal car accident when I was 17, I feel their frustration but I am living testimony that impulses can return to normal.

Regenerating neural impulses takes time!  Rarely do I see marked improvement in four weeks but changes become noticeable after a six-week program.  That's why I'm excited when persons who had a stroke repeats my class.  I've been told repeating the FallProof™ program is like reading a good book; you learn something new the second, third and even fourth time.

One 89 year-old gentleman is currently repeating the six-week balance and mobility program.  Today was class #7 and he showed such a MARKED improvement in his walking gait and movement patterns that his classmates commented about his progress.  His gait is more steady, his movements are more efficient and his confidence has doubled.

Today he had a "lightbulb" moment that made me realize the importance of consistent practice.  After nine weeks of training, he finally understood the correlation between toes coming up and loss of balance!  Although he still needs work on his reaction strategy, he gets it!  This man is determined to improve and the results of training are starting to catch up.  The entire class applauded when he went through the obstacle course and he was grinning ear to ear.

A retired physical therapist who had a stroke, Christina is also starting to show significant improvement in her walking gait and reaction strategies.  Also a repeat student, she tends to 'overthink' things but when she relaxes and does the exercises, her body moves efficiently and she is more stable.   Yesterday was the fist day in seven weeks that she did not shuffle!  She took longer strides and you could NOT wipe the smile off her face when the class applauded her efforts.

I absolutely love what I do and I look forward to working with as many people as I can to improve coordination and reduce the risk of an accidental fall.

The Fall Prevention Lady

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