Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Now that fall prevention is mainstream.....

As a movement specialist, I am constantly researching new scientific discoveries in order to help my clients move better with less pain.  If I'm not studying assessment and exercise videos made by the best of the best, I have my nose in a book or personal notes from recent conferences.

My personal desire to learn as much as possible about efficient movement has been the driving force in my life since I moved to California over fifteen years ago.  As a Public Health educator, I was fascinated by the effect that our daily choices have on our overall wellness, especially movement patterns.   The longer a person makes poor choices, the more likely s/he is to have chronic disease and/or a chronic movement disorder.  It's called bad habits.  It's called life.

It was during my gerontology internship with the Area 4 Agency on Aging in 2006 when my focus turned from the association of daily choices and chronic health conditions to the prevention of falls through daily choices; specifically movement choices.  I instantly discovered FallProof and the importance of training the musculoskeletal and sensory systems responsible for balance, strength, flexibility and mobility.

Remember that in 2006, fall prevention was basically an unknown topic.  Sure, seniors were falling but not many people in influential positions realized how many older adults were falling, fatality and injury rates, the direct and indirect costs of these falls or the fact that a majority of falls could be prevented through a multi-factorial approach (Rose, 2003).

Fast-forward 12 years. What was once a specialty, fall prevention education and balance training for older adults, has become mainstream.  Due to the explosion of the aging population, fall prevention services are now offered by hospital systems and community agencies for free.  They are able to offer free because of government funding; only available to large agencies and non-profit companies that offer 'evidence-based' fall prevention programs (proven effective and able to be duplicated to the masses).

As an independent contractor, I can't compete with free!  As such, I've had to step back and do some personal reflection in order to figure out what's next. I understand that having volunteers who do not come from a physical fitness background not to mention have specialized adult learning training will only work for a specific segment of the population for a limited duration of time.  I also understand that the needs of the younger baby boomers will not be met by these programs.

I do know it's my spiritual gift to work with older adults. I do know my focused studies in aging, balance, and injury prevention have elevated my expertise as a balance and mobility specialist to a new level.   I'm a coach with over fifteen years of hands-on experience leading groups through the best balance training program for older adults.

What's next for this movement specialist?  Neuroscience.  Neuroplasticity.  Neurophysiology.
Think brains.  Think balance.  Think Brains and Balance on the Z-Train!

Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

I can tie my own shoes now!!!

While the face of participants in my FallProof balance & mobility classes is getting younger, I still have the honor of coaching a few people over the age of 80.  In the April session at Fit4-U, I had both the 83-year old mom and her 56-year old daughter in class.  This was quite a combination and both did exceptionally well.  In fact, the oldest member of the class was also the most improved!

Barbara came to the Fall Prevention 101 workshop I presented at the local Church of Latter Day Saints and she was told me she eager to get started on the homework exercises since her balance was 'horrible'.  She was the first person in the door on the first day of balance training and she proudly stated that she had been doing her homework every night!

She came to class using a walker and said she only used it once in awhile and mostly because her daughter was so worried about her balance.  I assured her it was ok to use it when necessary and smiled as I said, 'you won't be needing that when I'm done with you!'.

By the fourth class, Barbara had switched from bringing her walker with her to carrying a cane.  She didn't use either in class but carried them 'just in case'.  The improvement in her walking gait became evident to everyone by the fifth class; she was standing taller, no longer looked at the floor and her walking stride was longer and stronger.

On the first day of class, she refused to do the sit and reach assessment because her back and legs were so stiff, it hurt for her to bend forward toward her toes.  I showed her a modified way to do that exercise and on the last day, she not only did the assessment but also scored in the 37th percentile for women her age in lower body flexibility!!!

At the last class, she was so excited about everyone's kind responses to her noticeable posture and walking gait improvements.  She was in tears as she recollected how she couldn't touch her toes or put on her own shoes before participating in this class.  She smiled ear to ear as she talked about how surprised her daughter in Arizona will be with her improvement when she visits next month.

A wise, vibrant woman, Barbara gets the connection between staying active and being independent.  She can't wait to repeat the beginner class in June and I can't wait to see her again, too!

Movement is life.  Start living.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Intermediate, Ongoing Balance and Mobility Training

Finally!!!  I will be offering ongoing, intermediate level balance and mobility training class in Sacramento for anyone who has graduated The Fall Prevention Lady's four-week FallProof™ beginner level program.

  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings 
  • 10:30a-Noon 
  • Fit4-U Fitness Studio  (4440 Marconi Ave, next to Tricks Gymnastics)
  • $99 punch card
  • Attended my 4- or 6-week FallProof™ beginner program
  • Able to walk more than 300 feet without assistive device
  • No uncontrolled medical conditions
  • Cognitively intact

This is balance training at the next level.

As a balance and mobility specialist, corrective exercise trainer and movement specialist, I will implement a variety of training techniques designed to help mature adults move better with less pain.

The main focus of the intermediate classes will be FallProof™ balance and mobility training techniques however some brain training www.ontheztrain.wordpress.com will be practiced as I teach you how to break poor movement habits and learn more efficient, pain-free patterns.

Mark your calendars!