Thursday, February 20, 2020

Why You Need Brain Training as You Age

The thing about getting older is we tend to do the same things over and over again.  We rarely do different actions, especially with our sensory systems.

The neat thing about the nervous system is the entire thing runs on the "use it or lose it" principle.  If you don't do certain actions, after years of disuse, nerves that innervate those muscles die.

The big deal about this is that those nerves run to the brain.  Not doing specific drills means areas of the brain aren't getting activated.  The brain is also a "use it or lose it" organ so after years of little-to-no use, areas of the brain begin to die, too.

That's why you need to do brain-training; 
use your brain or lose your brain and the everyday skills it does!!!!

KEY POINT:  When doing brain-based training, prepare to do some different things; things that may seem silly but you do drills that activate specific muscles, which activate specific nerves which stimulate specific areas of the brain.

Here are three reasons why your 
DOCTOR OR PHYSICAL THERAPIST isn't prescribing  these drills: 

1.  Brain training is NEUROLOGY and not every doctor or physical therapist specializes in neurology or is current on neuroscience research.
2.  Brain training that I specialize in is based on applied neuro-anatomy and neuro-physiology.  These techniques are TEN YEARS ahead of general practitioner knowledge and they require STUDY.  Ask your doctor, physical therapist or nutritionist if they've read a neurology-based research article recently.  
3.  Brain training drills work.  No prescription.  No fancy machine.  No magic pill.  These are holistic, brain-based drills that activate nerves to stimulate areas of the brain.    Unfortunately, in our society, doctors and physical therapists get paid by drug companies.  After all, a patient cured is a patient lost.  

During brain-based balance training, your brain has to receive the input, interprete the input and decide what to do and create an appropriate output.  This process has to happen faster than one-quarter of a second or you will fall. .

If you haven't done these drills in awhile (or ever), brain training can be fatiguing. Your brain uses up to 70% of daily calories to function, more when it's being used.  This is why it's so important for people to fuel their brain.

Fuel for the brain does not align with societal messages.  Your brain needs glucose and oxygen.  Glucose is sugar.  Sugar is not bad for you; your brain needs it.

Unfortunately, fake news has people avoiding sugar like the plague.  If you avoid sugar, your brain will get the needed glucose from your body's tissues; breaking down muscle for energy to support basic metabolic functions.

Final message:  
Wake up and smell the roses!  Your brain needs activation more than your muscles.  Why?  Your brain tells the muscles and nerves what to do.  Brain training is not only doing crossword puzzles and brain twisters; it's activating different cranial nerves and sensory systems.

Be ready to put in the work.  To do the drills.  To be responsible for your own health.

I'm on your side.  I want you to age to the best of your ability.  I want you to succeed.  I've invested in a neuroscience-based education to help you remain independent and free of falls.  If you want to learn more, contact me.

Finally, give your brain the protein it needs for healthy function!  Collagen protein is the most abundant protein in the body.  Great Lakes is clean, grass-fed source.  Zero taste, easy dissolved.  Get $5 off Great Lakes Collagen protein:  Click here

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