Monday, October 31, 2011

82 year old man regains balance and prevents a fall while on vacation

Due to the nature of the training I provide, classes are limited to 12 participants. These small group settings offer increased socialization, observational learning, and personalized instruction. Like most senior classes, most of my participants are women but the number of men attending my class is increasing. This could be due to more wives insisting their husbands do something to remain independent and stay safe.

There are two couples in my class at Elk Grove Methodist. I love seeing two people who have stayed together in spite of life's challenges and can still laugh at each other. One couple missed a class due to a mini-vacation to Turtle Bay. They came up to me after today's class to tell me how Mr. M, an 82 year-old man, had prevented a fall while on vacation due to the training strategy we had practiced last week.

Mrs. M explained that while they were walking, Mr. M didn't see the ledge drop down. Rather than fall forward like he would have done (and has done before), Mr. M practiced the EXACT movement I taught them in class and he was able to regain his balance and prevent a fall! He looked at me, nodded, and said that he would have scraped his hands, broken his wrist or fallen on his face if he didn't practice regaining his balance like we had practiced. He smiled and said he didn't think about it but he did it and it worked!

What did he do? He regained his balance due to postural strategies taught in class. My suggestion is to get enrolled in a community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility class taught by a certified, qualified specialist who is trained in evidence-based techniques. These training techniques will SAFELY push you out of your comfort zone and keep you on your feet. My fall prevention exercises will help keep you independent.

The Fall Prevention Lady

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