Monday, April 23, 2012

Making the connection; exercise prevents falls

Today started a new balance and mobility training session for the Fall Prevention Lady at Parkside Community Church.  This class meets Monday and Friday mornings from 9:30-10:30AM.  Since I provide small group training, the class is small and for the first time in 6 years of teaching fall prevention classes, there were more men than women!  

It's so exciting to see that more men are starting to realize that they HAVE to get active if they want to stay active!.  As we introduced ourselves and our expectations of the class, one statement made my day.  When asked why he was taking the class, the response was, "I fell the other day and landed on my knee and my face (he had the bruises to show it).  I realized then that I have to start exercising if I want to prevent another fall."

I teared up with joy when I heard that!  Why?  As the Fall Prevention Lady,  I have been studying, developing and practicing exercises that help prevent falls since 2006.  I eat, breathe and sleep fall prevention!  In fact, it has been demonstrated that exercise is the #1 way to prevent falls.  Participating in a strengthening, flexibility, balance and endurance training program is the best way to remain independent.

Now you understand why I was overjoyed to hear that this 83 year-old gentleman made the connection:  EXERCISE PREVENTS FALLS.


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