Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fall Prevention Lady's Train-the-Trainer workshop

I am proud to announce that I will be presenting four fall prevention Train-the-Trainer workshops as part of Kisco's Stand Strong Fall Prevention program.  As a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility specialist and Stepping On Master Trainer, I have designed an amazing workshop for the Wellness Directors of this national senior living company.

I will start with the southern California office on March 18 and travel to the Walnut Creek location for an all-day workshop on March 20th.  After a long weekend, I will travel to Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina for a workshop and then finish up in West Palm Beach, Florida. 

These workshops are not only educational but also skills-based.  Fall prevention research has shown that small group training is more effective that training the masses.  An intimate setting enables people to practice the skills they need under close supervision and ask any questions that may arise.  Balance training should be individualized and so should trainer trainings.

I am confident that having Wellness Directors who have completed the Fall Prevention Lady's Train-the-Trainer workshops as part of their Stand Strong kick-off, Kisco will offer a better quality of living for senior residents. 

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