Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Baby boom changing the face of fitness....

The face of balance and mobility training is getting younger.  As the baby boomer population explodes, so does the interest in different types of training classes; classes that:

  • Focus on total body wellness
  • Prepare the body for the next chapter of life
  • Enhance performance so a person can live longer better
  • Train the brain and utilize the scientific principle of "NEUROPLASTICITY"

I no longer hear, 'I wish I knew you fifteen years ago' but rather "I don't want to turn out like my mother.  She fell and that was the end of it", "My father fell, had all sorts of problems and had to move into assisted living; that is not the quality of life that I worked for".  "My wife and I have lots of traveling to do and we want to live our lives while we still can".

Baby boomers are more educated about the importance of fitness and truly understand that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".  Most boomers are more educated about the different types of exercise needed in a well-balanced fitness routine and they understand that personal training is an investment in their life.  They realize that their health and well-being are THEIR responsibility and a person must get active if you want to stay active.

What everyone needs to understand is that exercise isn't so easy that you can't mess it!  If exercise were easy, everyone would be doing it.  Sitting, staring at a computer and driving for hours are what I call "occupational hazards" that take a tremendous toll on the body over the years.  The demand for corrective exercise practitioners has tripled and specialty areas are increasingly popular.
Unfortunately, a staggering 80% of adults quit an exercise program in the first six weeks due to injury.  Enter your movement re-educator; me, the person who has studied fitness all her life and knows how to get you safely to your goals.  Enter the balance and mobility expert; me, the person who has the skills to improve balance and stability using brain-based balance techniques.  Enter the Z-health practitioner who has invested in a neurology-based education to teach you how to rewire your nervous system; upgrade your software.        

Baby boomers want brain-training.  As a Movement Integration Specialist, I offer the best brain training program available; 3 Pillars Strong; Move well.  Balance well.  See well.  I will be hosting two mixers in September to kick-off my new braining-training program with classes starting in October.


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