Monday, December 11, 2017

Brains and Balance Z-Training with Coach Kelly

Brains and balance; the two things you don't want to lose as you age.  Neuroscience proves the plasticity, or changeability of the brain.  Science and research demonstrate that staying active is the best way to remain independent.  I want to take this a step further and state that when properly activated, the brain can change how you move, how you see, and how stable you are on a daily basis.

In order to function, the brain needs two things: fuel and activation. There are two types of fuel that your brain requires: glucose and oxygen.  Everything you eat breaks down to glucose.  There's no good or bad glucose, at the cellular level, it's just glucose.  Your brain consumes 70% of your daily caloric intake. Think about that.  What type of food are you feeding your brain???

Oxygen.  Just breathe.  On average, a person takes 22,000 breaths each day.  That wouldn't be a problem if we knew HOW to breathe correctly.  Unfortunately, Americans are a bunch of shallow breathers.  On average, we use less than one-quarter of our lung capacity.  Instead, we breathe in, maybe feel a rise in our chest and exhale.  This breathing pattern is not only bad for your neck, shoulders and back musculature but also horrible for your brain.    How do you breathe???

Activation.  How you move through life is a reflection of the efficiency of your nervous system and brain mapping of your body (how well your brain knows your body).  Part of your brain is concerned about one thing and one thing only, "IS THIS SAFE"?   If your brain doesn't feel safe, your movement is poor.  Conversely, if your brain feels safe (with clear, predictable sensory input messages from nerves),your movement is fluid, graceful, all cylinders are firing.  

Think about how you move:
  1. Do you move slowly and almost shuffle?  
  2. Does everything hurt?  
  3. Is your vision getting worse?  
  4. Are you stooping forward more each day?  
  5. Do you feel unsteady?  
  6. Are you constantly fearful of what's going to happen next?  
  7. Have you tried everything and been told 'to live with it'?
If you answered yes to ANY of those questions, you want to work with me!  As a certified Z-Health Practitioner, I am trained to improve your neural GPS (better input=> better output), I am trained to increase the speed of brain's interpretation of messages and efficiency of motor output. 

In other words, using research and scientific-based neurophysiology techniques, I train your nervous system in order to make your brain feel safe so you can move confidently through this world.  Time is valuable.  Don't waste your time going to the gym or money on a private trainer if you're NOT getting results.  

With brain-based training, you get instant results
because you have given YOUR brain 
what YOUR brain needs.  

Precise training of the nervous system gives you precise results

Sign up for  
for immediate results!

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