Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Younger faces and more men in balance classes

Over the past decade, I've been teaching FallProof™ balance and mobility classes to older adults in communities throughout the Sacramento California region.  As a certified movement re-educator and balance expert, I've seen the positive impact of multi-sensory training upon hundreds of lives and I'm proud to continue to teach 4- and 6-week sessions to adults who live at home and want to stay there through improved balance & quicker reaction speeds necessary to prevent a fall.

I've recently noticed a change in the 'average' FallProof™ class participant; 81year old females are now early to mid-70s with equal mixture of males and females.   As an established fall prevention coalition member, this demographic shift is exciting proof that "FREE" hospital outreach programs are successfully offering evidence-based programs to our "older" more frail adults.  

Most baby boomers, society's "younger" older adults, want to get a head start on retirement plans.  Due to the overwhelming number of research studies that demonstrate exercise as the number one way to remain independent and THRIVE in later years, these boomers are ready to invest time and effort into research-based programs led by qualified instructors.  As such, more people in their sixth and seventh decade, including MEN, are proactively enrolling in community-based "balance" training classes offered by qualified health and fitness independent contractors!  

I'm psyched because I've taken my "multi-sensory" masters degree to the next level with brain science.  As a certified Z-Health Practitioner, I train the nervous system and the engine running it; your brain.  Founded on research and science, Z-Health principles train the input, the interpretation and output of the nervous system.  The better the input, the better the output and the results are immediate.  No guessing if you're doing the best drill for your brain; your movement shows it!

As we age, there are two things we don't want to lose: 
1.  Your balance
2.  Your brains

My brain-based balance training class is perfect for anyone who is concerned about losing either #1 or #2, or both!  Your brain is a "use it or lose it" muscle and needs proper activation and proper fueling in order to run efficiently.  Want to learn more about how to train your brain so you can move well, balance well and see well?  

Visit my website (The Fall Prevention Lady) and enroll in one of my classes:

Save your spot.  Be proactive.  Re-write the next chapter of your life.

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