Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Fall Prevention Lady's 3-Step Get UP" Plan

If you're over the age of 65 and live alone, one of your biggest fears might be falling and not being able to get up from the floor.  
Stuck lying on the floor for hours, even days, before anyone finds you

If you're a baby boomer caring for your parents, one of your biggest worries might be that your mother or father who live alone, will fall down and be stuck lying on the floor.

Stuck lying on the floor for hours, even days, before anyone finds them

As a balance and mobility expert, I have the solution you're looking for;  my 3-Step GET UP Plan.

The best gift I can give you is the ability to move your body so you're not stuck on the floor.  My 3-Step Get UP plan addresses your biggest fear but you have to start today, while you're able.

Don't wait for a fall to get down on the ground  Don't wait until you're hurt to start building strength to lift your own your body weight.  Build those leg muscles now.  Make a plan now.  Practice now.

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