Thursday, April 5, 2018

Life is better after two cerebellar strokes with brain training drills

I met Don at the "Fall Prevention 101" workshop I presented for the Del Oro Caregivers at the Maidu Center in September 2017.  At the time, Don was struggling with severe balance issues related to inner ear canal dysfunction resulting from head injuries when he was younger.  Dizziness is a huge problem for people who have had traumatic brain injury, concussions, or any type of head injury.

Granted Don's head injuries happened many, many years ago but at age 74, he was not ready to accept life on dizzy terms.  He eagerly signed up for my Brains and Balance class at the Fair Oaks United Methodist church.  While he was able to do 75% of the exercises without getting dizzy, we quickly realized he needed more personalized training.

Cerebellum is the integration center of the brain
After several private training sessions, Don was making improvements but was still angry that he couldn't do what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted.  This is common as we get older; there comes a time when we have to accept 'new' limitations and treat those issues if we want to live better longer.   Needless to say, he wasn't pleased about this whole "aging" process!

I didn't hear from Don over the holidays then I got a call, "Can you come see me, Kelly?" Absolutely.  At our visit, he told me that he had two strokes in his cerebellum over the holiday and wanted my help.  He told me the physical therapist at Kaiser was good but she wasn't as good as me!  Flattered and having just completed Z-Health's doctoral level 9S Structure course, I felt confident in my ability to test and train his cerebellum.

I assessed and identified left cerebellum dysfunction, specifically in the mid-Cerebellum region, and prescribed drills for him to do several times a day.  Due to the cost of private sessions, I don't see him as often as I would have liked but yesterday, I got a call; "can you come see me?"

Yesterday I visited Don and could not believe my eyes; he looked AMAZING!  Everything about him was different; he was more calm, his eyes were relaxed, he was balanced and when we went through the drills, he did fantastic!  He said he felt better than ever and was pleased with the results.

I asked what he'd been doing and he said, "I've been doing all the drills you told me to do; I feel great and I wanted to thank you for saving my life"!   All the training charts were on the wall, he described his daily routine and said he wanted more drills!  The perfect client!

Don is living proof that doing drills to activate specific regions of the brain can have profound effects on the way you move, see, balance and behave.  Precise training gives you precise results but you HAVE TO DO THE DRILLS.

If you want to live better longer, contact me.
If you've had a stroke and want to activate parts of the brain to help you move better, contact me.
If you want to see better, balance better and move better, contact me.

If you have your reservation at the nursing home, do not contact me.

Movement is life; it's time to start living!
The Fall Prevention Lady

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