Monday, February 11, 2019

82 yo Widow Overcomes Fear of Falling

The oldest member of my recent Brains and Balance class lived in fear of falling.  Many older adults live with the fear of falling because they fear that a fall is the beginning of the end.  Most people who live alone live in fear of falling and not being able to get up from the floor.  The thought of lying on the floor for hours or days, scares some people so much that they limit their daily activities.  They quit doing things they enjoy and things that need to be done for fear of slipping or tripping.

This is the beginning of a vicious cycle because the less you do, the weaker you become.  The weaker you become,  the greater the risk of falling.   This is known as the cycle of fear.

Fear of falling is a recognizable psychological condition that happens after a fall.  A little fear is a good thing but when your fear of falling interferes with your daily life, you need some help getting back on your feet.

My class student's daughter recognized this fear in her mother and brought her mom from Fresno to Sacramento to participate in my four-week brain-based balance training class.  

By the end of the second week, this 82 year old lady was sitting up straight, smiling and laughing in class.  In the third week of class, she walked through the obstacle course without her walker!  She was stopping and starting in response to verbal command and was no longer holding onto the counter when walking.   The last week, she was doing weight shifts with her eyes closed and throwing her arms back and forth while doing multi-planar lunges.  

On the last day of class, this amazing woman got up and walked eight feet with a steady, confident gait.  She announced to the class that she was no longer afraid of falling and that her daughter had to remind her to take her walker with her.  She has overcome the paralyzing fear of falling!

It's never too late to gain control of your body.  Learn how to react when losing your balance.  Be aware of your surroundings.  Practice drills that will increase your reaction speeds.   You do this with brain-based balance training.  Enroll in my Brains and Balance Training classes and change the way you live your life.  

Don't live in fear.  Live free.
Class schedule on my website: 

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