Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Balance Training Today vs When You Were a Kid

I was working with my "Boomer Power Hour" group the other day and told them it was time for some vestibular training.  The vestibular system is the inner ear balance system where the equilibrium lives and should be required in every senior fitness training class that says it trains balance.  Without proper activation of the vestibular system, balance suffers.

As he put down the resistance band, 85-year old Don asked, "What is vestibular training and where was it when I was growing up?".  I laughed too hard at this because it's true!

Don is a long-term client of mine who originally came to me with complaints of dizziness with head turns, a sensitive visual system and a fear of falling.  Throughout our training sessions, Don has learned about the vestibular system and how to activate the parts of his inner ear that need more activation.

Not a new concept in balance training, 'vestibular' training is common part of next level balance training programs and an essential foundation in brain-based training. Physical therapists are educated in the vestibular system but only work with it if there is a severe dysfunction.

A problem in the vestibular system directly affects balance because the inner ear receptors tell your brain which end is up and which direction you're going.  Without proper input signals, your brain doesn't know which signals are correct and the result is unsteady, dizzy, nauseous.   A dysfunction in the inner ear system will affect every other aspect of your life.

Similar to the other systems of the central nervous system, the vestibular system functions on a "use it or lose it" perspective.  If you don't train the inner ear balance system, you will lose it.     You can try to stand on one leg all day but if you're not training the inner ear balance system,  YOUR BALANCE WILL SUFFER.

The typical senior fitness instructor is not trained in the vestibular system.  As a Z-Health Practitioner, I am trained in the neuro-anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system.  Z-Health Performance trains the top 1% of fitness professionals and I am proud of the education I've invested in and the services I offer older adults.

The vestibular system was discovered decades ago but it's only now with advancements in functional neurology that we are learning more about how to train the canals and otoliths for better performance in daily life.

IF you've been going to the same fitness class and your balance isn't getting better or your neurologist says there's nothing they can do about your dizziness, find a Z-Health Practitioner and learn what YOUR inner ear balance system needs to correct itself.

The Fall Prevention Lady:  I offer private sessions and small group brain-based training classes.  Please contact me for more information:  info@thefallpreventionlady.com

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