Monday, April 22, 2019

Arthritis and Balance Training

Whenever I ask my group classes, "Who has arthritis?" the common response is laughter and the retort, "Who doesn't?".  Yes it's true as we age, our joints undergo more wear and tear and the likelihood of developing osteo-arthritis increases.  Osteoarthritis results from 'overuse' of joints throughout life and as a result, joints become stiff and movement can be painful.

More and more scientific research articles are showing the direct link between diet, inflammation and arthritis.  Study after study shows that if a person eats the so-called 'heart-healthy' fats, polyunstaturated fatty acids to be exact, inflammation increases and cases of arthritis and diabetes increases.

To reduce likelihood of arthritis or manage symptoms, a person needs to eliminate PUFAs (cheap vegetable oils like canola, safflower and corn oil) from the diet and eat more saturated fats such as coconut oil.    I'm not a nutritionist but I am brain practitioner.  I study what's needed for a healthy metabolism and optimal energy production.

Because this blog is about arthritis, I wanted to first address what you're putting in your mouth.  Don't eat nuts, nut butters and nut oils.  Stay away from polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA, as they increase inflammation and pain.  Here's a link to one scientific article explaining the ramifications of eating polyunsaturated fatty acids:  LINK TO PUFA DANGERS

In addition to eating healthy,  it's important that a person with arthritis start moving those joints.   The Arthritis Foundation states the best line of action is to strengthen the muscles that surround and support each joint for less painful movement.

As a Z-Health Brain Practitioner, I believe that movement is the remedy for most all complaints.  If you move better, you feel better.  When talking about joints (where bones meet), movement produces synovial fluid.  Synovial fluid is the "feel good juice" produced when joint move because it actually changes the biochemistry of the blood.

Without movement, cartilage and bones suck up all the synovial fluid.  The result is excruciating pain with movement.  For reduced pain, keep the joints moving to produce those feel good juices.

I'm not saying joint mobility will cure arthritis but moving those joints can increase synovial fluid and make movement less painful.  Consistent movement reduces pain but you have to move the joints enough to reap the benefits.

Please keep your joints moving.  Think circles, in both directions. Avoid PUFA at all costs and don't give up.  Movement is life and it's time to start living.

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