Monday, October 28, 2019

RockTape and Balance

I just attended a two-day seminar on taping of the body.  Rock Tape is a "movement company that dabbles in tape" and the art of taping is no longer reserved for professional athletes, we can all benefit from taping.  In fact, I learned some great techniques for relieving pain and fluid buildup, correcting posture, working with scars and improving range of motion; all of which my clients can benefit.

RockTape has partnered with Dr. Eric Cobb, the creator of Z-Health Performance, and as a studying Z-Health Master Practitioner, I was interested in learning more about the taping.  The course instructor was a doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Aaron Crouch.   The neat thing?  Aaron had been a student volunteer of mine during a fall prevention screening event in 2012!  Small world, now he's teaching me about RockTape!  He is a partner at Kime Performance Physical Therapy Training.

As a Brain Practitioner or one who trains the three sensory inputs the brain for better movement, I can say that RockTape only deals with one sensory system; the proprioceptive system.  It's refreshing to see a major company (RockTape) recognize the power of sensory input to the brain; the skin, joint and muscle receptors in this case.

Taping a body part improves the brain's mapping of that particular body part.  When injured, nerve damage can occur and receptor input of that area decreases.  As a result, movement suffers.  Taping increases sensory input from that area and immediately improves movement.  As always, you have to assess and re-assess to see the result.

It was cool to learn about scars and posture from a physical therapist perspective.  I've learned how to work with scars, posture, fluid buildup and pain from the brain's perspective so I enjoyed practicing how to tape clients after acute injury or specific to movement patterns.

I urged Aaron to attend Z-Health certification.   He will truly be blown away by the power of vision and vestibular systems which are two higher ranking sensory inputs in the brain's heirarchy for correcting movement.  Until then, RockTape is a great way to help people move better through improved body mapping to the brain.

Rock on.

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