Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Practice Getting Up From the Floor While You're Able

We're all stuck at home so it's a great time to build leg strength and practice movement patterns to keep your safe at home.

Even though we're all stuck at home, I still worry about older adults who live alone and are at high risk of falls.  You have to keep moving.  I've posted several blog posts about proper breathing and recently, I posted both an upper and lower body resistance band workout.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to visit my elderly clients in their homes and one client has fallen twice.  Despite practicing crawling and using the chair to get up, he was unable to get himself up from the floor.  He's 93  years old.  Fortunately his son stopped in and helped him.

I'm so upset that he fell and more so that he forgot what we have practiced when on the floor.  It is so important for you to keep moving and to practice getting down on the floor and getting back up.

This is a life skill that can save your life if you fall at home.   Practice now, while you're able, so you have a plan if you end up on the floor.  A fall is a traumatic event; don't wait until then to practice getting up.  PRACTICE TODAY.

Watch me do this exercise and then practice yourself!
I have no idea of your ability level so start slow and work up to more attempts with each leg.
I try to do 10 with each leg, each day.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe at home.  

Yes, I want to read your book, ABCs of Balance!

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