Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine Upper Body at Home Upper Body Resistance Band Workout

It looks like we're going to be staying at home another 2 weeks, at least.

Life changed instantly; routines are disrupted.  It's kind of crazy right now.
My stress response is making it hard to stay on routine and stay motivated.

It's time to dig down deep down inside for the inner strength to keep going; to stay focused on the big picture; your health.

For me, success to getting through this uncertainty is setting small goals for each day.
My main goal is to move deliberately everyday!

I don't have a set time but sometime, anytime during the day I make myself do 20-30 minutes of continuous challenging movement.

I try to get my heart rate up and get that blood pumping!  Neuroscience research studies demonstrate that increased blood flow to the hippocampus has positive effects on cognitive ability and memory!

Academy of Sports Medicine recommends all for adults over age of 60 engage in some type of resistance training at least two times a week in order to maintain muscle mass.

Body weight and resistance bands are examples of strength building exercise.
Grab your resistance band and follow along with me in this upper body routine.

This routine plus my lower body resistance band routine are a great total body resistance band workout to do at home.

I recommend grabbing that resistance band 2-3 times a week.
10-15 repetitions, work up to 2-3 sets.
Different speeds, different tempos.

Nasal breathe.  Sit tall.  Smile.

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