Thursday, October 23, 2008

Senior Exercise Videos and Fall Prevention

I believe that maintaining one's physical well being is probably the most important component of a fall prevention program.   I'm not just saying that because I am a Certified Personal Fitness trainer because as we all know, without one's health, quality of life is severely compromised.
So as the holidays approach (yes, another year is almost gone), I begin to notice the different types of gifts available and most of them are junk.  Unfortunately, we are a society who tends to gather junk, well at least I do.  Hoarding runs in the family but that is something I actively resist as I get older and my apartment gets smaller!
Anyway, I was scanning the Senior Exercise Videos and found the same consensus:  most of them are junk!  The instructors aren't qualified, the moves are done incorrectly and in some cases, the entire format is copied from a good one.   I have quickly learned that some professional agencies plagerize for the sake of profit  so this one's you  in florida, consider it my gift to you,  extra information you may have overlooked or you may need content for your blog on fall prevention.
Any decent exercise video designed for older adults who want to reduce the risk of a fall should include 4 components and they are:
1. Flexibility
2. Strength
3. Balance
4. Endurance
As a Fall Prevention instructor for the City of Sacramento's 50 Plus Wellness program, I make sure to include exercises that address each of these components in my classes.  For those who do not have the luxury of an instructor or an activity director, make sure that the senior exercise video you spend your money on has more content that just sitting in the chair throwing your arms around.  Each exercise has a purpose and is intended for a specific muscle group.
My Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention series addresses these 4 components all while seated making them safe for any senior who watches exercise videos at home.  I safely coach the viewer through basic moves intended to improve flexibility and balance, increase strength and endurance, and encourage better posture.   Oh and I also encourage viewers to engage that imagination so be prepared for battle of the bulge!
Show a loved one how much you care, ease your concerns and help break the cycle of fear associated with a fall.  Order a complete set of my Take 5 to Exercise Fall Prevention exercise routines today.

The Fall Prevention Lady

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