Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's time for change....

OK people, I have to tell you something, something I'm not proud of.  I am 40 years old and this was the first election I voted.  Ever.  I thought it ironic as went to the voting place and thought I tell people everyday that it's never too late to start and well, I'm here to tell you it's never too late to start!  POLITICALLY OR PHYSICALLY!!!
   So guess what?  It's time for change.  We, the United States of America, have a new president.  A new political party President.  One who has a different vision of healthcare.  A man who is encouraging the people to be responsible, not only for themselves but for each other.  A President who embraces prevention.
I embrace Fall prevention.  We are an aging society and the fastest growing segment of the population is over 85 years old.  Falls cost society billions of dollars and that number is expected to grow along with the population unless we do something.  It's time for a change.
It's time to take responsibility for your well-being and practice good behaviors now, before a tragedy occurs.  It's called prevention.  No one plans to fall which makes accidental falls so devasting since a  life is changed instantly.  Accidents happen but you can reduce the risk of an accident by lifestyle and environmental changes.  
I'm talking fall risk reduction exercises.  Gentle stretching and strengthening activities done while seated are effective.  Start with the basics.  Start a program.  A consistent program.  And guess what, I have the plan!  Take 5 to Exercise. 
 It's time for a change.  My new approach to senior exercise videos will educate, enlighten, and encourage you to change your daily habits.  No matter what age you begin, your body will adapt.  The body was made to be in motion so let's keep it that way. 
Visit my website and order your set today.   Change is good. 
The Fall Prevention Lady

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