Sunday, November 30, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new...

Get rid of your old senior exercise videos and try something new:  Take 5 to Exercise!
I know that change is difficult but like I explain in Day 3 of my series, it's takes 3 weeks to form a habit.  Give a new behavior 3 weeks of your best effort and then decide if this is for you.
See, the body adapts to the same 'ol exercises and while some movement is better than none, why not challenge yourself and learn something new, too?  
Here in the United States of America, we have a new president and that's going to take some getting used to.  We have been under the same party leadership for as long as I can remember so while change is needed, it's also scary.  For me, I put my trust in the Lord and pray for the leaders of our great country.
If you have been struggling with a fear of falling or you have a loved one who's safety you are concerned about, my seated exercise video series may be the answer you need!  In each of my seated exercise routines, I explain why each movement is important as well as provide helpful tips to help reduce your risk of a fall.  
I am not a political activist by any means but I am a physical activist in the sense that I want to help older people remain independent and enjoy a quality of life they deserve.  If you have a loved one whom you are concerned about, try my Take 5 to Exercise video series.  The fall prevention exercises are all done while seated so it's a great place to start.
Out with the old, in with the new.  Don't be bitter, get better!


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