Thursday, April 14, 2011

A "fun" fall prevention exercise class

I have been teaching group exercise classes to older adults in the Sacramento region for several years. Specifically, the implementation of fall prevention exercise routines has been my area of expertise since my gerontology internship with the Area 4 Agency on Aging in 2006 and the production of my seated exercise program, Take 5 to Exercise. Current research has identified multiple causes of falls and researchers agree that following a consistent exercise program is the number one way to reduce the risk of a fall.

As a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility instructor, I am trained in Dr. Debra Rose's nationally recognized fall prevention exercise program to progressively challenge the body's balance systems.

Yesterday, I overheard several participants talking about how "fun" the class was. They were laughing and smiling after engaging in a one-hour class that focused on training the visual system and practicing gait pattern enhancement variation training.

The key to successful aging is to remain active. In order to stick with a program, it is essential that a person does something she/he enjoys. The community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility exercise classes are not only fun but also designed to reduce the risk of fall. This program is evidence-based, meaning it works when you work it. Give it a try. Otherwise, the only thing you have to lose is your independence....

The Fall Prevention Lady

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