Thursday, April 7, 2011

Balance and Mobility class in South Sacramento

I am offering a 4-week balance and mobility class that meets twice a week at Parkside Community Church in South Sacramento. This class is open to beginners. In other words, people who haven't exercised in years or those who were exercising but travel, an illness or a fall interrupted their routine are invited to join this class.

The first class was Monday and I was so excited to have 17 participants register and attend the first session! Although people come from different backgrounds and have different physical abilities, it was encouraging to discover that everyone has one thing in common; a concern about falling.

As a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility instructor, I am implementing the evidence-based training techniques that have successfully reduced fall risk and increased balance confidence for thousands of older adults. Each class will get progressively more difficult since the goal is to challenge yet not exceed one's abilities.

I am so excited older adults in the local area are taking responsibility for their well being and getting educated about how to reduce the risk of falling. My goal is to educate, demonstrate and facilitate the development of individualized exercise programs that adults will follow at home in order to reduce the risk of falling.

Take 5 to Exercise..... I encourage you to join the May session!
The Fall Prevention Lady

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