Friday, August 26, 2011

Fall Prevention buzz word of the day...


Sarcopenia is the natural loss of muscle mass associated with the aging process. This muscle loss begins approximately at the age of 30. The rate of muscle decline is estimated to be 5% per decade and since sarcopenia is exasperated by inactivity, this loss of muscle mass accelerates to as much as 20% per decade after the age of 70. The good news is sarcopenia can be slowed by participating in a consistent exercise program such as Take 5 to Exercise.

Loss of lean muscle mass is the number one threat to an older adult's independence is a fall. Take 5 to Exercise is a fall prevention exercise DVD series designed to reduce the risk of a fall by guiding the viewer through seated stretching and strengthening routines. The Fall Prevention Lady, Kelly Ward, is a personal trainer and balance and mobility specialist who explains why specific exercises are important and demonstrates proper form.

There are two days of strengthening routines in the Take 5 to Exercise series. The exercises are easy to follow along with and a resistance band is included with the purchase of any Take 5 for Strength DVD and the Complete week of exercise routines. The best news is it's never too late to fight sarcopenia. You can get stronger, you can reduce the risk of a fall, you can remain independent.
Click HERE to order.

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