Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Frail elders in Sacramento fall prevention class show significant improvements

Even the oldest of the old can benefit from a fall prevention exercise program. In a class where the average age was 88 and most were living with multiple chronic conditions, everyone demonstrated improvement in fall-related fitness parameters after participating a 5-week balance and mobility training program.
Prior to beginning the class, the associate director of FallProof™ provided me with the FallProof™ for Frail elders program plans. Confident in the program, I progressively challenged the multisensory and musculoskeletal systems of these older adults. After 2 weeks, I noticed endurance levels improving as participants were able to complete the class with less fatigue (and less complaining!).
After 3 weeks, postures showed tremendous improvement as participants stood taller and quickly responded to verbal cuing. But mostly, participants shared "ah-ha" moments each week as they experienced benefits of training in their everyday lives.
I can talk about observations and realizations all day long but the truth is in the numbers. Numbers derived by pre- and post-class assessment testing. Each person in the class improved in at least one area of fitness related to fall risk. The greatest improvement was in a 91 year old lady who uses a scooter and a cane for mobility.

Listen to her numbers....
  • She increased her lower body flexibility by 6.5 inches
  • She increased her lower body strength by being able to get out of the chair 7 times using her hands compared to ZERO at pre-test
  • She improved dynamic balance by being able to get up and walk around a cone 4.8 seconds faster!
Amazing. This lady is so grateful for this class and I am so grateful she was in the class.

The stretching and strengthening exercises are all in my seated exercise DVD series, Take 5 to Exercise. The Basic 5 stretches are beneficial to everyone, regardless of age.

The moral of the blog is that it's never too late to benefit from consistent exercise program. People in the class wished they knew me 10 years ago....don't look back in 10 years and say, I wish I had listened....get active today! Order your set of fall prevention exercise DVDs and make the time to Take 5 to Exercise each day!

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